Moron Labe – IOTW Report

Moron Labe

Received this yesterday—>


I was struck by the absolute intellectual dissonance this image presents.

Though I should not be, I am constantly amazed at the abject, and almost eager, willful, ignorance of anti-Americans. Yet, I wondered if there might be something else in play, given their seditious penchant for redefinition of foundational terms and concepts.

I think I found an example…certainly another pedantic tome blazing out, yet again, their terminal ‘missing the forest for the trees’ state of existence.



If you enjoy reading fart-cupping, pointy-headed leftist intelleckshuals who don’t know a thing, this is for you.

(The funny thing is, even if the guy is right about his history, his point is meaningless. In modern times, we have defined, or redefined, what Molon Labe means. That’s all that matters.)





13 Comments on Moron Labe

  1. Helots weren’t “essentially” slaves – they were the most abject slaves in existence. And they were Messenians, fellow Peloponneseans of the Spartans.
    It was the Spartan women who told their husbands and sons to “Come home with your shield, or on it.” And they were highly esteemed (faggotry doesn’t produce offspring – except the occasional butt-baby – like Obola).
    They practiced the rudiments of socialism (eating in common and attending State schools from age 7) which they thought made them more cohesive as a fighting force and they eschewed great wealth and opulence which should please modern “progressive” totalitarians and their ilk.
    Their Kings (2 at a time – descended from the 2 sons of Hercules) had no authority to declare war or peace but depended on the will of the people through their assemblies and the gerousia.
    And whatever Leonidas and the Spartans were, Xerxes was an absolutist in the ancient sense of the word and his challenge “Come and Take Them” was understood in its full context: just as it is, now.
    (see: Paul Cartledge)

    And the mental dissonance of the sheep isn’t really a surprise – ever talk to a sheep?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Don’t read too much into it. She probably picked that hoodie up used at good will so as not to further exploit the abused textile workers of Indonesia.
    She’s unlikely to have a clue what it means anyway, she just thought it looked cool and others would think she’s sophisticated.

  3. In many ancient “enlightened” societies, crime was relatively rare, because even minor offenses were punished swiftly and violently (death or dismemberment). So self-defense was not so necessary. Also, the “arms” at the time of ancient Sparta was a heavy sword, which made it’s skilled use by the weaker people (women, children, the aged) impractical. What a stupid article.

  4. Gosh. Shouldn’t mister Baldr Odinson be much more concerned how the privileged patriarchy has, yet again, culturally reappropriated something, this time a phrase? You know, whilst he’s betwixt adventures with the Warriors Three.

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