38 Years Of Subsidies – IOTW Report

38 Years Of Subsidies


WUWT- On April 18, 1977, President Jimmy Carter announced his new energy policy. His speech included the following predictions of a dire future unless we repented of our evil ways:

I know that some of you may doubt that we face real energy shortages. The 1973 gasoline lines are gone, and our homes are warm again. But our energy problem is worse tonight than it was in 1973 or a few weeks ago in the dead of winter. It is worse because more waste has occurred, and more time has passed by without our planning for the future. And it will get worse every day until we act…

His conclusion was that “We must start now to develop the new, unconventional sources of energy we will rely on in the next century.” So he started throwing money at the problem. His “solution”  involved inter alia:

A “gas-guzzler” tax on automobiles

A rebate on electric vehicles

A gasoline tax

Subsidies to buses

Taxes on aviation and marine fuel

Sound familiar? It should, as these are all parts of the current war on fossil fuels.


18 Comments on 38 Years Of Subsidies

  1. I remember overhearing my favorite 7th grade teacher looking despondent and saying to another after the election of Jimmy Carter, “what has America done? We’ve just elected a hateful, anti-Semitic president who despises Israel to his core and will do everything in his power to embolden the Middle East. (He would have gotten a kick out of BO)

    At the time, I thought it strange–the country was beaming because of the bicentennial and Carter was presented as a down home, all American, God-fearing man.

    Now we know.

  2. hold on, if we give him black face, would this be the spitting image of what our kids will be commenting about when they get our age, accept of course it would be obummer. I say that with the hope that we still have a country by then 🙁

  3. I was snookered into voting for Jimmy Carter in 1976 because it was the Christian thing to do. In 1980 when I should’ve known better I voted for him again because I believed all the bs about Reagan mainly because I was a Social Work major in college. Fortunately, I never became a social worker and out grew (thank God he woke me up and helped me realize I couldn’t try to save the world with out his help) all the politically correct baloney in the mid 80’s. I found out that I hated all the pc bs associated with social work and trying to save the world on my own, especially the community organizing aspects of it. I haven’t voted for a democrap since 1984 and never will again because I found out they were basically featherbedding themselves by keeping the poor and the ignorant ever more poor and ignorant due to their failed social policies, it’s like job security for these schmucks and they know it. And I can’t live that way knowing that I was part of perpetuating the continuing problems associated with their failed social policies.

  4. I was the only guy amongst my immediate peers in my first year of community college that backed and campaigned for Ford/Dole. The signs I posted were ripped down by the tolerant left anti-Nixon cadre; none of the Carter/Mondale stuff was damaged.

    I realized at that time that elections were not ‘on the level;’ the Marxists would do anything to advance their cause…and the Republicans would just take it laying down.

    I’ve always voted, not because I thought it made a difference, but because I thought it was our duty; this may be the first year I do not vote, depending on the success/failure of the GOPe.

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