384 terrorist bombings in America in just 24 days – IOTW Report

384 terrorist bombings in America in just 24 days

Do I have your attention?

A Swedish journalist had to do some extrapolating, showing proportionally how many bombings there would be in America if we were subjected to what Sweden is going through right now, in order to get some attention.

Have you heard about any of this?

ht/ Christian PDX

18 Comments on 384 terrorist bombings in America in just 24 days

  1. Ever since Trump said, “You saw what happened in Sweden last night” and they roundly mocked him for it, they haven’t been showing us what happened in Sweden last night. So, no, I haven’t heard about any of this.

  2. I’d like someone tin explain to me how Bush suck ass Ed Cucksucket Gillespie losing in Virginia, a purple fuckstain state, is somehow a reflection on Trump?

    Can you please explain it to me?

  3. I do feel sorry for the Swedish population. It’s hard for them to figure out their government sold them all out to the Belgium consortium of globalists via the EU. Especially with their top news being controlled by the State. We all need those “They Live” glasses.

  4. Consider that had any one of us here at IOTW had a say in Swedish Government, no one would be DEAD ! That is how Pig Headed Socialists are, they care for their Idea and forget about the people !!!

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