39-Year-Old Mother Dies After 2nd Dose of Moderna Vaccine: Family – IOTW Report

39-Year-Old Mother Dies After 2nd Dose of Moderna Vaccine: Family

Epoch Times:

A 39-year-old healthy single mother from Utah died four days after taking a second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on Feb. 1.

According to local news channel KUTV, her family said that Kassidi Kurill, who was a surgical technician for plastic surgeons, “had more energy” than most people around her and was a happy person with no known health problems.

“I didn’t really cry when my dad died. I cry a lot for her,” her father, Alfred Hawley, a former fighter pilot in the Air Force, told the outlet. “She was the one who promised to take care of me.”

“She was seemingly healthy as a horse,” Hawley told Fox News. “She had no known underlying conditions.” more

25 Comments on 39-Year-Old Mother Dies After 2nd Dose of Moderna Vaccine: Family

  1. If you MUST get something, get a flu shot.
    And even that won’t keep you from catching the flu.

    What you can do is wash your hands and keep your hands off your face. And I’ll even go one further- take a shower when coming home from wherever. [That helps get rid of pollen, too, if you suffer from allergies].

    There is no 100% vaccine and there is no cure for anything.
    Remember that, and try to relax your anus.

  2. They’ve rigged the death statistics to show people that got shot, were in motorcycle wrecks, had heart attacks, etc, died from covid.

    And when someone drops dead within hours of taking one of these gene altering shots, they fly into a rage at any suggestion that the shot did it.

    The con men running the rona response apparently make royalty fees from the sale of these fake vaccines.

  3. I want to know every death that came after a vaccine shot, but I also want the perspective of percentages. 4 deaths or 40 in 100 million doses? Not really going to worry about that, everything has risk although I would like a better understanding of contributing factors. 4 or 40 in 100 thousand doses? That would seem rather risky.



  5. Left Coast Dan….There have been over 1600 reports of death related to the vaccines. They poo poo it as just a minuscule amount. I don’t think the 1600 dead people and their relatives would agree.

  6. Every politician pushing this vaccine should have to draw a syringe from a pile of syringes, Russian Roulette style, and get a shot in public in front of witnesses.
    How many of them didn’t actually get the shot? How many got placebos?

  7. From what I’ve heard, this “vaccine” isn’t really a vaccine in the sense it prevents you from catching the disease but is a treatment that simply greatly reduces the severity of it if you do catch it -presumably to an unnoticeable level for most people and a less likely to be fatal one for others- and won’t prevent an infected person from transmitting it to others.

    There are several varieties of “vaccines” out there, I don’t know if this applies to all or just some of them.

  8. It isn’t a vaccine at all and the pandemic is the excuse to get people to take it.
    From the Moderna web page.
    Our Operating System

    Our Operating System
    Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the “program” or “app” is our mRNA drug – the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein.


  9. We’ll never know how many die or are permanently injured due to the vaccine, because they aren’t going to let you know and when family members get it out there that their loved one died or was injured, they claim they don’t know it was the vaccine.

    If I was going to take one, which I’m not, I’d choose the Johnson and Johnson version because at least it’s done like vaccines have always been done, not this new shit that they have no idea what it will do long term and will cover up what it does short term.

    This one will be out of the news soon, just like the last young lady in her 20’s who died and the doctor who died, you only heard about them because their families took to social media and contacted multiple media sources, most aren’t doing that.

  10. There have to be around 6 or 7 ‘vaccines’.
    Aztra zeneca seems to be a problem. I don’t know, that name keeps popping up. lol

    Watched videos about the liver and uncontrolled cholesterol and what not and how ebola loves those conditions. Seems like the ebola and controlavirus loves fat your body can’t get rid of naturally and buries itself there.
    I wonder if the people who take cholesterol pills are less likely to catch it and get really sick if they are under control.

    Or if your risk is double if you’re overweight, too.

    Seems to me everyone should have that hydroxychloriquine in their cabinets like we do with bandaids and aspirin.

  11. Oh, the cholesterol pill {Ezetimibe} Zetia was tested on Africans against ebola. It seemed to be effective.
    Just so happens that’s the pill my doc gave me for my cholesterol.
    The other class of drugs I’ve used had hideous side-effects. If this one doesn’t work, I’m over it. lol


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