3D Printed Hearts – IOTW Report

3D Printed Hearts

ht/ woody

11 Comments on 3D Printed Hearts

  1. Fascinating.

    @Hubris – As long as medical professionals recognize and acknowledge – and give thanks for the fact – that their knowledge, skills and ability to perform life saving procedures are a gift from God, and not anything that they alone developed, they will have balanced perspective on human life.

  2. a prediction (if it isn’t already being done):
    a man impregnates a woman
    fetus forms, grows
    ‘abortion’ at delivery (legal in several states)
    organs, such as heart, kidneys, liver, immediately harvested
    transplant organ(s) into young immuno-suppressed pig
    growth stimulation of pig
    harvest organ(s) from pig, then transplant into original genetic parents

    this would avoid the complications of rejection caused by non-recognition of donated organs by the recipient. It also would avoid the need to take immuno-suppressing drugs for the rest of the recipients life.
    wouldn’t be a bit surprised if this is already being done. Legal post birth abortion makes it legally possible.
    you read it here first- screen cap it


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