We’re better than that guy you fools pray to ANY day!
Just WAIT till we serve up our next ‘vaccine’!!
You’ll ALL want one THEN!
Only available to elites with money and power.
These need a kill switch before we’ll approve it, that WE have control of.
No problem once that requirement is met.
@Hubris – As long as medical professionals recognize and acknowledge – and give thanks for the fact – that their knowledge, skills and ability to perform life saving procedures are a gift from God, and not anything that they alone developed, they will have balanced perspective on human life.
a prediction (if it isn’t already being done):
a man impregnates a woman
fetus forms, grows
‘abortion’ at delivery (legal in several states)
organs, such as heart, kidneys, liver, immediately harvested
transplant organ(s) into young immuno-suppressed pig
growth stimulation of pig
harvest organ(s) from pig, then transplant into original genetic parents
this would avoid the complications of rejection caused by non-recognition of donated organs by the recipient. It also would avoid the need to take immuno-suppressing drugs for the rest of the recipients life.
wouldn’t be a bit surprised if this is already being done. Legal post birth abortion makes it legally possible.
you read it here first- screen cap it
Still decades away for actual organ replacement.
The Drs are only talking about using these models for practice.
Good start though.
The Left will probably work up lease aggreements for them with a remote shut down feature…
We’re better than that guy you fools pray to ANY day!
Just WAIT till we serve up our next ‘vaccine’!!
You’ll ALL want one THEN!
Only available to elites with money and power.
These need a kill switch before we’ll approve it, that WE have control of.
No problem once that requirement is met.
@Hubris – As long as medical professionals recognize and acknowledge – and give thanks for the fact – that their knowledge, skills and ability to perform life saving procedures are a gift from God, and not anything that they alone developed, they will have balanced perspective on human life.
a prediction (if it isn’t already being done):
a man impregnates a woman
fetus forms, grows
‘abortion’ at delivery (legal in several states)
organs, such as heart, kidneys, liver, immediately harvested
transplant organ(s) into young immuno-suppressed pig
growth stimulation of pig
harvest organ(s) from pig, then transplant into original genetic parents
this would avoid the complications of rejection caused by non-recognition of donated organs by the recipient. It also would avoid the need to take immuno-suppressing drugs for the rest of the recipients life.
wouldn’t be a bit surprised if this is already being done. Legal post birth abortion makes it legally possible.
you read it here first- screen cap it
Still decades away for actual organ replacement.
The Drs are only talking about using these models for practice.
Good start though.
The Left will probably work up lease aggreements for them with a remote shut down feature…
Hose clamps? Hope they find something better for the final design!
Hose clamps?
In medical terms those are reffered to as cock rings.
Why not? Biden has a 2D printed brain.