SUPERCUT! Watch the media once again fall for a fake hate episode — this time “OK” signs at the #ArmyNavyGame
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) December 20, 2019
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OK is NOT okay. Ok is the same as OKKK, which is vile and criminal.
Looks like Larry can’t sleep. Is your mom making too much noise with her ‘client’?
what ever they do, don’t let them look cockeyed at a minority
oh, the inhumanity of it all
we certainly have de-evolved into a bunch of children
on parents health insurance until 26
can’t buy beer or cig’s until 21
can’t rent a car until 21
but you can get an abortion at 14 without parents consent
you can join the military at 18
and they want you to be able to vote at 16
where will it end
This is the crux of the liberal mindset:
Normal thought is thought crime.
Normal playful gestures are racial crimes.
Normal gender perception is a hate crime.
Normal weather is a manmade crime against humanity.
Normal Christian morality is a crime of intolerance.
True liberals unlike Larry ( who is actually just a conservative provocateur who loves to get us balled up) actually believe they possess the most sophisticated intelligence, open minded tolerant, and enlightened perspectives on the planet.
Cloud Cuckoo Cuckoo land is full of rainbows and happy unicorns because utopian fantasy is all they have. They live in a Rioger Rabbit cartoon.
Down here in Realville where we normies live we can discern that they are actually the inverse of intelligent sophistication. They are too ignorant to understand their value systems relinquish every personal freedom that defines them as individuals of value and subsume that individual value to the collective state.
Their self deluded open mindedness and tolerance has created the cancel culture and twisted every innocent normal action into a malevolent victim creating rubric that is actually completely intolerant of every point of view than their own and instigates a decisive tribal mentality where the state must manage competing interests and redistribute fairness where all pigs are equal, some are just more equal than others.
Marxism defines every normal action, thought, and behavior as a crime of the state and has a punishment mechanism to control everything normal.
These cadets will receive demerits but most likely in the context of blowing off steam wherein the Army/Navy game is one of the predominant pressure relief valves of service academy life.
What you pansy ass little thought police liberals will never understand are the tenets of the military art. Juvenile humor is an essential part of dealing with the stress of combat. The military, law enforcement, and first responder professionals you see have a culture of juvenile humor you cannot grasp because we protect liberal weaklings from danger. It gets police up by someone called Sarge when it need to be.
Take heart all IOTW soldiers and know God, truth, courage, the vast majority of the military, law enforcement, and other first responders are on our side. There will never be enough rainbows or unicorns to defeat us.
@Cisco Kid:
“They live in a Roger Rabbit cartoon.”
Yes, but without Jessica, because of the objectification that happens when she’s around.
The circle game has been around a lot longer than 4chan.
Yeah you stupid soldiers mind what your hands do and by the way don’t kill the enemy either or you will answer for it!