4 dead in shooting at Cascade Mall in Washington State, authorities searching for gunman – IOTW Report

4 dead in shooting at Cascade Mall in Washington State, authorities searching for gunman

Troopers said they are looking for a Hispanic man wearing gray, who was last seen walking towards I-5 from Cascade Mall.

They are saying this guy is Hispanic.
He has olive skin. Maybe He is Mexican.
Might b something else.
Authorities are quick to not say-Muslim.

51 Comments on 4 dead in shooting at Cascade Mall in Washington State, authorities searching for gunman

  1. Local news guy was speculating it was probably “familia” related because Burlington isn’t a big city like Seattle and an unlikely terrorist target.

    Rubbish. Pure speculation at this point. They are still looking for the guy.

  2. Interesting, being fed up with the PC/semicon industry (lol) I actually interviewed for a job in Mt Vernon, WA a few years ago, and spent some time in that mall. Skagit county is beautiful.

    The hispanic population in that area is quite high. Like 30%+. Could be.

  3. Why can’t we all just get along? A guy came up today and asked if he could get out. The starter said sure, get a ticket, you’re up next. But I’m stuck behind this threesome, he said to the starter.
    Yes said the starter, but you can join them. I don’t want to join them said the single. Then you’re stuck behind them, said the starter. The guy was pissed off.
    That’s why we all can’t get along: Too many fucking assholes in the world

  4. from Perspective’s link:
    “stay inside – lock your doors.”

    They should be telling people to lock & load, sit on their front porch and watch for the bastard.

    The asshole is on foot.

  5. They changed the count.

    In addition to the three women fatally shot, one male sustained life-threatening injuries and one female sustained non-life threatening injuries, said Sgt. Mark Francis, a public information officer with Washington State Patrol. Police initially said four people were dead.

    The male victim with life threatening injuries was airlifted to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle and “most likely will pass away,” Sgt. Francis said during a press conference. Harborview spokeswoman Susan Gregg confirmed the male victim arrived at the facility in critical condition via airlift around 9:30 p.m., adding “we are not expecting any others.”


  6. Dear PJ! Not to worry. I’m safe and sound at home tonight. We had our lovely friends over for a special dinner and when we were sipping our “empty nester” cognacs and setting up Mexican Train, I had my kindle out to show them something else and that was the headline. Just terrible. I wasn’t aware until the few posts here that there was something up downtown. We live on Queen Anne hill, way uptown from 3rd and Union. This city is getting way too gritty for this farm girl’s roots. Sad to recall that 20 years ago I vowed to leave my home feet first, and now I can’t wait to sell and get out of Dodge. I’ll miss the Mountain, the Sound and the clouds here.

  7. Earlier this week the SPD had a street closed on Capital Hill. It’s the gay neighborhood in Seattle.Wouldn’t say exactly why. I wonder if there was a suspicious package.

    @Abrigail I agree. I keep feeling like we should move east or north to AK. We are a bit career locked with golden handcuffs-but Seattle is no longer the place I fell in love with in 1986.

  8. Hispanic? Give me a fucking break. First, they never mention race in the first reports, NEVER. Second, this would be the first time I ever heard of a latino doing a mass shooting like this. They don’t roll like that.

    If he is latino, my money is on Mohammad Gonzoles

  9. I’m up early as usual at 3 AM and this is the fist thing I see this morning, it makes me sick. I live in Eastern Wash. where we are least still fairly normal and sane for the most part. This hits too close to home because it happened in my home state of Wash., I just don’t get it and it makes me angry. God help us! Let’s hope the Police catch this guy soon and catch (or shoot him) him dead rather than alive. There is no excuse for this continuing violence anywhere across this country. It’s making me not want to go shopping at any type of Mall anymore or even be in any kind of large crowd without being aware that evil things like this could happen.

  10. @Perspective & Illust8r — Well, it’s been about 30 years since Microsoft went boom and we were overrun by marauding Californians (most of whom seemed to originate in Michigan, Ohio and Minnesota). They acted like they discovered Seattle and were the first settlers. We didn’t think they’d last out the rainy season, but they proved to be more resilient than expected (and many probably had outstanding warrants in their home states). Great numbers of them were emotionally fragile; they set up a “Friends of Californians” help line to assist each other (a forerunner to FB) because they weren’t feeling the love from the natives. The first thing their underground advised was to ditch the home state license plates — there were dumpsters full of ’em. They’ve ended up loving Seattle to death. Searching for a fresh start away from the overcrowding, the stupid laws and regulations and high prices, they came, they conquered and now we have overcrowding, stupid laws and the same regulations. If anyone doubts what a mass migration of undesirables will do to the neighborhood, well, there you have it. In less than 40 years.

    I was born and raised in our state’s capitol; a logger father, a farmer granddad. And Illust8r, I’m with you. I don’t think these latte-sipping fools can take the AK winters.

  11. Just keep a lot of them away from Eastern Wash., N. Idaho and Western Montana. A lot of ex cops from Southern Cal. do tend to migrate here though but I’m not worried about them. I have a friend who’s an ex cop from down there, he and his family are good people and love it up here. Our occasional Snowpocalypse Winters up here do tend to keep a lot of the riff raff out and from what they’re already saying about this Winter we may be in for a doozy again, we’ll see.

  12. All this violence and chaos and “WTF is happening to my Hometown/State/Country?” Is fresh reason to support Trump.

    This is possibly the only kind of ‘news’ the mainstream apolitical low-info’s are exposed to.
    It will make them vaguely uneasy and, despite denial, they will feel less safe about their daily lives in general.

    This all strengthens Trump with those Lo-Fo’s.

    My better half and I are having a running debate about all those older female white suburban Volvo/Subaru voters who’ve been waiting 20-30 years to vote for Hilary.
    I say although these female voters lean Left, if and when they feel sufficiently ‘unsafe’, they will flip and vote for the candidate who promises them a return to Safety.
    I think Hilary’s health questions, and the whole drip-drip about her emails and scandals, will be their excuse to flip for Trump.
    What Scott Adams calls the ‘Fake Because’.

    I’m praying Trump’s performance at the first debate supports that flip.

  13. Not one cell phone vid of this guy? Everyone takes out their phone for the stupidest of crap. It was a damn mall. Lotta young & stupids that would pull out their phone.

    There has to be better imagery. No?

    The descriptions from witnesses would help in track this guy. Nada. What they released was ‘man in black then man in gray, now man in black t.

  14. Having lived in Yakima, the only mass shooting by Messicans I ever saw was the Castro brothers on Naches Avenue shooting each other over a card game. I forget which one of them died, but at least one of them did.

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