4 people being monitored in Oregon for Ebola after returning to US from West Africa – IOTW Report

4 people being monitored in Oregon for Ebola after returning to US from West Africa

@ToreSays said Ebola was the next ‘scarecoming for us, weeks ago.
She was right.
Don’t fall for it.


PORTLAND, Ore. – Four people are being monitored by Oregon public health officials after potentially being exposed to Ebola while on a recent visit to Guinea and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), according to an Oregon Health Authority news release.

The West African countries are currently experiencing an Ebola outbreak, but health officials believe the four people who recently returned to the United States are considered low risk.

“We want to make sure these individuals have the support they need to monitor their health, stay in contact with public health officials and safely get help with medical services if it comes to that,” said Dr. Richard Leman, chief medical officer for health security, preparedness and response at the OHA Public Health Division.

The Ebola virus is highly contagious and can be contracted through bodily fluids such as vomit, blood, or semen. more

12 Comments on 4 people being monitored in Oregon for Ebola after returning to US from West Africa

  1. The Ebola virus is highly contagious and can be contracted through bodily fluids such as vomit, blood, or semen.

    But that doesn’t mean that we should stop trying to stimulate and increase the flow of liberal tears.

  2. Too bad the cannibals didn’t get them first!

    What the KFCU makes you want to Africa in current conditions.
    Wanna see wilding check out Shit-Ca-Go, Baltimore, or, wait for the Saint Floyd Verdict.

  3. Translation: they are figuring out that people are getting ready to revolt over COVID so they have to come up with something to control us with.

    Meanwhile, they still want people to come here from the world’s feces excavations.

  4. The only disease dangerous to our nation has been ‘clinton’, ‘obama’, ‘pelosi’, ‘democrat’, ‘schumer’, ‘biden-harris’ and the like.

    There is no cure for these diseases. They must simply be wiped out.

  5. I get much darker than oBola when I work on my garden in the summer.
    Because obola identifies as half black (who the hell can know for certain what he is?), I take solace in knowing that ebola has killed many more blacks that honkeys like me.
    Am I rayciss for saying this? Hell no, I just was to poke back at the jackasses in Media, Academia, ‘healthcare’ (!), government, corporate America, etc etc for making the world unrecognizably FUBAR by their deliberate actions for decades now.

    These could be the best of days on this planet, but NO!!
    Their greed, assinine selfishness, stupid narcissism, iow God-less worthlessness have lowered all horizons.

    Every day is more decadent and joyless, thanks to them. Much obliged.


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