4 Years Ago Nathan Phillips Told a Similar Tale of Being a Victim of Racism – Police Couldn’t Corroborate It – IOTW Report

4 Years Ago Nathan Phillips Told a Similar Tale of Being a Victim of Racism – Police Couldn’t Corroborate It

I think his Indian name is Dances Around Truth.



32 Comments on 4 Years Ago Nathan Phillips Told a Similar Tale of Being a Victim of Racism – Police Couldn’t Corroborate It

  1. A friend of mine just posted this on his Facebook page:
    Who is Nathan Phillips?

    He is said to be a 64 year old Indian who served as a “Recon Ranger” in the United States Marine Corps in Vietnam. He has told that story a number of times to the press, even before his drum solo on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

    But, the Marines do not have a designation of Recon Ranger.They never have.

    I went to boot camp in the summer of 1972. I had originally volunteered to become a Gunners Mate on a River Boat and go to Vietnam. In June of 1972, that was no longer posiible since they were removing all combat forces from Vietnam. I was redesignated as a Fireman, eventually ending up on submarines

    I am 64 years old, just like Nathan. How did a man become a non-existent category of fighter in the Marine Corps in a country where all the combat forces were being removed?

    I will be happy to stand corrected once the actual truth comes out. If I’m wrong.

  2. This asswipes teeth are so phucked up he must have been in the British Army/Marines. I also think he’s full of shit . DD-214 asshole? or just STFU!
    Even John Oliver has better teeth.

  3. Stolen Valor guys have requested his service records (perfectly legal) from the Federal Records Center. It will be interesting to see. The minute someone brags about what they did in the service, be suspicious. Real veteran don’t brag (maybe bit after too many beers).

  4. CBS just had a spot on the nightly news that said the students were not at fault. Too little to late. They also had the Cigar Store Indian pushing the narrative that he went over to intervene when the black gangsters were taunting the kids, saying “You have two niggers in your group?”
    What a liar. In one of the videos you can hear one of his “tribe” telling a student to “go the puck back to Europe.” Yeah, he’s a real hero alright.

  5. OT, sort of:
    and how about that buzzfeed thing that happened, whatever it was, if I could only remember. It does seem like it was only yesterday though.
    That event is the most egregious case of coordinated lying presented to the American public to date. While it isn’t the biggest lie, the rapid manner in which it was spread, certainly distinguishes it. And it is off the screen at present. Within 48 hours, they had it buried. It had an organized appearance, by the same providers as the ‘pee dossier,’ and then an equally organized removal from the front page. Sure, lets talk about a kid that nervously smiled, or stood as a ‘deer caught in the headlights.’ It is just another article of clothing in the wolf’s wardrobe.

  6. This guy has gotten around, A MUSIC vid.


    From Masiro on GLP:

    I did a search on Together We Served USMC which always verifies your service and found three Nathan Phillips (two are the same guy) none is Vietnam era or a recon ranger…

    Phillips, Nathan, Sgt
    Last MOS : Anti-Tank/Assault Guided Missileman
    Status : USMC Active
    Service Years : 2004 – 2008

    Phillips, Nathan, Cpl
    Last Unit : 9th Engineer Support Bn (ESB)
    Last MOS : Bulk Fuel Specialist
    Status : USMC Veteran
    Service Years : 1985 – 1990

    Last MOS : Bulk Fuel Specialist
    Status : USMC Veteran
    Service Years : 1985 – 1990


  7. Long video of the event. The ‘religious’ group leader kept saying to the MAGA hat group (not all in MAGA hats) You school shooter! and something about go take a sh– ‘but go shoot up a school first.’ and ‘That’s you future.’ also “young clansman” Christ coming to kick crackers asses: What a SICKENING racist ‘religious MAN’ Around 1:12 after the Indian drummer Nathan Phillips walks into the MAGA crowd. Total heckling, harassment of the MAGA hat group. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4409&v=UQyBHTTqb38

  8. I’m convinced. After maxing out in the Army, he was so bad ass they sent him to the Marines and kept him in Vietnam until Rambo showed up in 85 to give him reinforcements.

    Being expendable and all, the military kicked him out and forced him to become an alcoholic for 20 years before MK ULTRA selected him for mind control experiments.

    That’s why he’s psychic and read that kids mind. He knew, from 50 feet away that that kid was the reincarnated soul of the VC dink that killed his buddy back in the NAM. That kid was taunting him and it took all of his combined Ranger/Marine training to keep him from bayoneting that kid in the yarbles.

    National. Fucking. Hero.

  9. that Injun’s appropriating culture wearing those glasses … a white-man invention

    Trump ought to invite all those kids to the White House for burgers & fries … that’ll make marxtard heads explode

  10. Let’s all pitch in and buy him a case of firewater…like maybe Costco or Wal-Mart brand whiskey….what the injuns call the “good stuff”. Just for chuckles, we could send him a Cleveland Indians cap with Chief Wahoo on it.

    It should be a lot of fun. The MSM will have a field day with that: White devils from IOTW send hateful, racist items to Indian Hero! They’ll piss all over their shoes from shaking so much with indignation and anger.

  11. I pass judgement neither one way or the other, without a DD-214.
    An opinion is not judgement.
    “Oh, what a tangled web we weave…when first we practice to deceive.” – Walter Scott


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