h/t MaryfromMarin
40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses. Get involved in your community from Sep 23-Nov 1. pic.twitter.com/Rs1K93QfJe
— 40 Days for Life (@40daysforlife) August 4, 2020
A baby is truly a gift from God, but it seems the world has forgotten how precious life is.
…not sure what to say here. Probably shouldn’t say anything.
But something needs to be said.
Abortion is murder, there is no doubt.
Those are wonderful people dedicated to this task, to be sure. We have mighty prayer warriors right here on this site who have stood ceaseless prayer vigils outside of these damnable places. People who have risked hatred and arrest to try to get some message to confused, lied-to young women about to make the greatest mistake of their life. People so dedicated to the Lord that they have been beaten and arrested for trying to talk girls out of entering these charnel houses and flinging their infants into the voracious maw of these insatiable abattoirs.
And I do not mean to denigrate their holy efforts in any way. They are serving the Lord as the Bible commands.
But, with due respect, to what end?
Abortion continues unabated. Throgh federal defunding,through detailed exposees revealing actual crimes, through supposed bad publicity, despite even its roots and stated purpose of murdering Black babies, these houses of death remain at full capacity, and the Mengeles dedicated to killing half their patients continue to prosper.
Despite such powerful prayers, the murder machine still grinds its victims to nothingness, saving only the profitable parts.
And it does not even seem slowed.
If prayers could move the Lord, these should have moved him. No, his thoughts are not my thoughts, but I have His word, which does not seem to jibe with the visible results.
We should never question or doubt the Lord. This I know, by rote and by heart.
And yet on this one issue, in my feeble human understanding, is my faith shaken.
These prayers do not seem answered. These pleadings and groaning, these fasts and sacrifices, are ever returned void.
And how is it that God Himself does not stop this Slaughter of the Innocents?
The same question was asked by one named Rachel long ago.
“16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men.
17 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying,
18 In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.”
Matthew 2:16-18
I do not see in the Bible where this lamentation was answered.
Nor was it stopped before then, when a Deliverer was born to a slave of Egypt.
“Then Pharaoh commanded all his people to throw into the Nile every Hebrew boy that was born, but to let every girl live.”
Exodus 1:22
…and yes, God did smite the firstborn of Egypt later, but as a punishment for a different Pharoah’s arrogance, not related to the actual murders.
Why not strike down the murderer?
Why not STOP the murders?
Why does the Lord not steal the breath from every doctor who uses his God given talents to kill as soon as they cross the thresholds of those damnable places?
Where is the Lord when these innocents are murdered?
Were we outside a house that we knew an adult was to be murdered in, would we stand with candle in hand as they were led to their death within, and stand with hands clasped in prayer peacefully outside until we were given the expected news that that person was no more?
Or would we take action to save that life, to prevent a murder that we KNEW would occur?
I love the Lord. I pray often. I pray for people here as the Spirit moves me. Sometimes people here pray for me.
And those prayers seem to be answered. Not always as I expect, but answered.
Why do THESE prayers return void?
…I know that in most things, we are told to wait upon the Lord, and He will do battle for us..
…but I sometimes wonder if He is testing us in this to see if there’s ANY evil we will not accept, and that he waits to see if WE will do anything about it…
…going to church with this burden.
…guess I’ve got something to pray on while I’m there…
“…not sure what to say here. Probably shouldn’t say anything. But something needs to be said. Abortion is murder, there is no doubt.” – SNS
@SNS – that about sums it up for me.
I decided to just shut up instead of saying ANYTHING further!! Being a ‘male’ and all…what the eff do I know!?
@C- thanks for putting this out there, takes courage and GUTS, the THIRD RAIL of socio-political taboo talk, especially within the American Conservative movement, aka MAGA.
So what should we do, SNS? Give up? Go home? Let girls and women go into these houses of horror without knowing that there is an alternative to destroying their unborn children? That there are people who want to tell them the truth about what they are planning to do?
There are thousands of people alive today because others—in many prolife organizations—were a witness to their abortion-minded mothers with their presence and prayers.
God’s timetable for abolishing evil is not known to us. But that does not mean we give up and say that what we do doesn’t matter. Because it does.
SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 AT 8:36 PM
Don’t know if you caught my drift, kind of looks like not…I’m certainly not calling for less action, but more…direct…action may be in order, in ways it’s not wise to spell out on an open blog…let’s just say the Lord helps those who help themselves, and perhaps some folks need to have their meetings with the Lord sped up just a tad…
ghost of brig gen j glover
SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 AT 7:45 PM
“I decided to just shut up instead of saying ANYTHING further!! Being a ‘male’ and all…what the eff do I know!?”
…I know murder when I see it.
And I won’t shut up about it just because I lack a uterus.
No, I will never have to carry a baby.
But the vast majority of those who select abortion, outside of rape and incest, could easily avoid carrying a baby as well.
Taking a life is not acceptable birth control.
And one thing it should NEVER be is convenient…
Unfortunately, the first part of your comment did not convey your intended “drift”, and was persuasively negative.
For example: “abortion has continued unabated”—no, that is not completely true. Many of the “houses of death” have not “continued at full capacity”—many have closed completely due to lack of business. Abortion clinic workers have reported that when pray-ers are present, business falls off dramatically. They are even forced to close some days, because possible “clients” drive away, gaining time for further thought and reflection, even if they have appointments.
“These prayers do not seem answered. These pleadings and groaning, these fasts and sacrifices, are ever returned void.”
No, they are NOT “ever returned void”. Thousands have been saved, thousands have changed their minds about abortion itself. Those gains project forward and influence others.
“And how is it that God Himself does not stop this Slaughter of the Innocents?”
Because when we disobeyed God originally, WE grabbed control; we said to God, “I know better than you.” QED, God allows us to see the consequences of sin, in what is happening around us.
He does hear prayers, though, and there have been victories. Celebrate those and work for more. It’s on US. Why should God—who WILL receive these slaughtered innocents to himself—take away the burdens of our neglect and rejection of him?
Direct action? That may or may not be effective. IMO, it is not an across-the-board answer. If it works for you, do it. But be sure that it does not give a negative witness to those around you. Is violence the answer? Occasionally, maybe. Always? No.
God works through you, I have read it many times. He continues to do so, in bringing up these issues.
SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 AT 9:16 PM
Thank you for your work and thank you for your faith. As I said, others here I know are strong in the Lord and have ringed these places in prayer as well, but I’ll not name them as I know of their work from private message and not open forum, but I respect and love them for it.
And thank you for your positive report. I’m just an old man who’s looked evil too fully in the eye for too long, venting about the sin-sick world he sees and perhaps blinded to the good that some do by it. I came late to Christ, and so I may struggle needlessly more then some over things I should more trust the Lord for.
But I’ve never been content to wait when death is a consequence of inaction.
Thank you for tolerating my foolishness.
God Bless,
You are not foolish—you ache in your heart for the unborn, and that is good.
The media suppresses most of the positive reports. Why would they want people to take heart? They mourn the closing of abortuaries and stifle the words of those who are pro-life. It’s one reason they hate POTUS so much.
You have to search for the good reports; I am thankful to have sources and people who are encouraging. And I see many people driving by on the streets giving thumbs-up to those who are praying, and people who walk by and say “thank you for being here”. It more than makes up for the middle fingers and shouted nastiness. The awareness that abortion is evil is growing.