Rum and Coke – IOTW Report

Rum and Coke

Leigh Scott – Writer, Producer, Director – shares an anecdote about a friend who loved his Jack and Coke, and learned, like a lot of progressives, that he’s not ignorant; it’s just that he *knew so much about something that wasn’t so. (*Apologies to Ronald Reagan.)

I have been absent for the last few days working like a madman. I also haven’t returned phone calls, so, I apologize.

But while I wait for a render, I wanted to share with you the story of my friend Todd.

Back in college, Todd loved Jack and Coke. It was more than just his signature drink, it was part of his persona, a permanent accessory in his hand whenever there was drinking to be had.

The local dive bar had a special on Wednesday nights. $2 Jack and Cokes. Without fail, every week, Todd was there. Rain or shine, work or no work, money or broke, Todd would always throw down at least $10 every Wednesday.

Todd graduated college and moved away. He found himself right out of school with a good job and an apartment in Manhattan Beach. He had a new bar that he would frequent.

But he still ordered his beloved Jack and Cokes.

Yet, Todd was troubled. This new, upscale bar served Jack and Cokes that tasted different than his beloved cocktail. One night, probably after too many Jack and Cokes, he confronted the manager and accused him of pouring a cheaper whiskey.

“I know Jack and Cokes. That’s all I drink. I’ve been drinking them since I was 18. I’m a Jack and Coke expert, and this shit ain’t Jack and Coke”.

The manager assured him that it was, and even showing him the bottles and unopened cases of Jack before showing Todd the door.

During Homecoming Weekend, Todd returned to his beloved dive bar. The place that first inspired his love of Jack and Coke with their $2 specials. He told the staff the story about confronting the Manhattan Beach bar, who were most certainly pouring cheap liquor into Jack bottles.

The owner of the dive bar pulled him aside and told him an awful and dirty truth. The reality is that $2 Jack and Coke is impossible from an economic stand point to make money. And the dive bar owner learned long ago that people can’t tell Coke from Pepsi out of the soda gun, or even other colas.

The fact is, Todd was not a fan of Jack and Coke.

Todd had fallen in love with Early Times and R.C. cola.

When given real Jack and Coke, he rejected it as false. See, he KNEW he was right because he had experience, and was so confident in his convictions that he was ready to engage in physical violence to defend his honor and that of his beloved beverage.

But it was the foundation of his knowledge and beliefs that was the lie.

And this story, my friends, perfectly explains why this country is so divided and ready to brawl. We have a large part of the population who have been fed propaganda and fake news from birth.

So, even with a real Jack and Coke pressed to their lips, they will call it fake and subconsciously demand an Early Times and R.C.

37 Comments on Rum and Coke

  1. Too much rum and coke and naïve idiot 21 yr. old sailors don’t mix well on liberty at a bar in Olongapo City in the Philippines. Believe me I had to learn the hard way and it wasn’t fun afterwards. There is nothing worse than being toilet hugging/lamppost hanging drunk.

  2. Great story BFH. Good one old_oaks.
    Here’s my story: “The truth shall make you sick.”
    My lovely daughter Kay had been drinking “Tropicana” orange juice at breakfast ever since she was old enough to hold a class.
    When she was about twelve I took her and two friends to “the City” to visit the Museum of Natural History at 80th Street, CPW.
    We bussed to the City from the Burg. In the lobby of the Port Authority Building there was a mobile “Orange Julius” stand which served fresh squeezed orange juice, from phucking real oranges. I ordered four from the vendor. The girls hated the stuff. One almost puked. I drank them all because I know what real OJ tastes like.
    Yup, for years we were kept in the dark by Cronkite, Rather, et al;
    now we’re being fed cowshit by the MSM. Thank God for IOTW,CTH,Truth Revolt, Intellectual froglegs, Howie Carr, Rush, the two Marks, and
    others, including President Donald Trump.

  3. @ Nate & wiredog,
    My Brother who was a plumber till retirement once pointed out that “water (ice) can go skunk”, “bourbon never does”.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. On the farm when I was a kid, we had a couple of cows for milk. My uncle from town would take the excess home for his family. To get my cousin to drink it, it had to be surreptitiously poured into a milk container from the store.

    As an adult, she ended up as a Bay area progressive. Maybe they’re just born that way.

  5. I’m watching FOX. They bring back old memories. I have tears in my eyes. They bring back the memory of the night Donald Trump won. They are touting polls. They are showing graphs, all sorts of bullshit.
    Now I am turning to my favorite show: “Best compilation of people who laughed at Trump.” Youtube. Enjoy.
    BTW. Paul Ryan is a Dick.

  6. Please, let’s not confuse Jack and Coke with Rum and Coke. One is sugar with your sugar drink, the other is caffeine with your alcohol drink.

    Further, coke in a bar comes out of a gun. I’ve never, ever, seen RC cola in a bar gun. You get big cardboard boxes that has a bag of syrup in it. You hook that up and the CO2 canister to have sodas.

    Never seen a Jack and pepsi or a rum and pepsi. That’s just evil.

    However, I’d give RC cola a try with Jack. Can’t be any worse than a 7&7 made with sierra mist.

  7. Dick Dale was the “King of surf Guitar” when I started college. But some kids from near your area had replaced him my 2nd year “the Beach Boys”.. Still love “Lets go Tripin!”!

    Was a Jr. Acct at Std. Oil El Segudo when I got back – 68

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