Lies of Omission – IOTW Report

Lies of Omission


Full documentary concerning the current state of political affairs in a nation where there truth cannot be uttered. Matt Bracken, David Codrea, Mike Vanderboegh, Claire Wolfe, Kit Perez and Gun Owners of America’s Larry Pratt.


ht/ Cato

See the Video at the link below-

6 Comments on Lies of Omission

  1. Ah, I just started watching this, this morning. Didn’t get far into it until I realized it’s something I can’t multi-task to. I’ll have to watch it sitting down and paying attention.

  2. Okay… I watched it. It’s slow-moving. It’s inarticulate. It doesn’t present an adequate number of facts or tell complete “stories” sufficient to make any cohesive point. It’s disjointed, temporally (things filmed during Obama administration, things filmed “now”), and with regard to subject matter (is this about the constitution? free speech? free enterprise? gun rights?) And in the end it utterly fails to convey anything but a very ambiguous message, something to the effect that the government and the society is becoming collectivist and anti-freedom, so… civil war?

    Don’t waste your time.

  3. I liked it. You would need to be familiar with a lot of those stories. Fast & furious, Bryan Terry Murder. BLM LeVoy Finicum Murder.Just to name a few.But it’s the same people surrounding them.And responsible. That’s a lot of info condensed down to an hour. Also Covered Seth Rich, Michael the Journalist in the car crash etc.I believe Pres Trumps just as sick of it as we are.

  4. I finished it. With out the drink. I thought it was great. Confirmation of what most of us believe. “It’s to late to change it and to early to start shooting”. Perfect. I sent it to all my kids and told them there would be a test.

  5. Thanks for your input guys, I’m going to watch it later. Tonight is Trump’s last rally. He has done great this election cycle, the guy is so GREAT! Looking forward to watching it.


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