Twitter bans users for “misgendering” – IOTW Report

Twitter bans users for “misgendering”


A recently discovered update to the Terms of Service of Twitter bans users from “misgendering” or “deadnaming” transgender individuals on their platform.

“Misgendering” refers to the deliberate decision to refer to a “transwoman” as a man, and “deadnaming” is the practice of calling a “transperson” by their given name, rather than the name they now choose to identify as. For example, the sentence, “Bruce Jenner was a great athlete – he won an Olympic gold medal for the Decathlon”, would break both of those rules, and get someone banned off of the site for doing so.



Progressive Feminist Suspended From Twitter After Criticizing The Transgender Movement

This is f**king bulls*** @twitter. I’m not allowed to say that men aren’t women or ask questions about the notion of transgenderism at all anymore? That a multi billion dollar company is censoring BASIC FACTS and silencing people who ask questions about this dogma is INSANE.

What ARE we allowed to say here??? How tf is simply saying ‘men aren’t women’ hateful??? I am losing my goddamned mind over this. Enjoy your brave new world, sjws. Here’s your f***ing social justice … I’m assuming my account is going to get locked again simply for speaking about this. But this is not f***ing ok and I’m not going to let it go silently … Trans activists have been targeting my account for a few months now. Either someone at Twitter or with an in at Twitter has been combing through old tweets and reporting them for “hateful conduct.” Twitter seems to instantly shut my account down without a second thought.

25 Comments on Twitter bans users for “misgendering”

  1. And if you live in NY state and attempt to purchase a firearm you may be required to provide your social networking history. If you show a history of unacceptable comments you may be declined on your purchase of a self defense firearm. This won’t stop in New York. What a bunch of crap!

  2. If I was crazy enough to so much as think about chopping my cock off, I’m no longer the loon, but you are in preliminary trouble for ever referring to me as a person with a cock. Protected status for the goofs!

  3. Welcome to the New Communism of Unnecessary, Over-Reaching, Over-bearing, High-Handed, Social Media Thought Control brought to us by the Radical Leftist Collective along with the bought and paid for MSM who provide cover for them!

  4. Don’t have an account.
    Never did.
    Sounds like a pail of garbage-truck juice.
    A nihilistic/totalitarian echo chamber.

    I guess I’d be banned for informing them that “gender” is a grammatical term, not an anthropological? Oops! “Anthropological” is probably sexist! How bout “Hystericological,” instead?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. So rather then attempting to remember 57 “genders” for 0.3% of the population, would the general term “fuquers” or “freques” work?
    Really, these “freques” talk about being bullied, but they are such a miniscule percentage of the population, yet they’re getting people kicked off a (supposedly) public social(ist) media for telling the truth?

  6. Naziesque. The Nazis wanted all white, and then they started separating the white gays, handicapped, retarded, dark haired, dark eyed, etc.

    Twitter is also going to reduce itself group by group.
    They get rid of all the Conservatives and Republicans, then they work on another group of people, then another, then another, until it’s just Jack and bette midler left and POTUS will still be there, but shadowbanned. lol.

  7. “Those who write on shithouse walls;
    Roll their shit in little balls.
    Those who read these words of wit;
    Eat these little balls of shit!”

    I wrote this poem back when I was Alexander the Great’s press agent and military advisor.
    It’s still a keeper!

    And it applies two-fold to Twitter.

  8. All this silly gender bullshit is meaningless agenda-driven clap trap designed to make us weaker. Trust me when I tell ya, in a couple thousand years from now, the paleontologists aren’t going to be wondering whut sex a skeleton identified with. They’re gonna wonder about all the facial hardware sitting in the cranium, a couple of rings in the rib cage and exclaim: “Oh my God, whut the hell is THAT in the pelvic area”… and determine it’s just a nuther pathetic, lost, Leftist asshole from the 21st century!


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