Facebook’s Weaponized “Hate Speech” Algorithm – IOTW Report

Facebook’s Weaponized “Hate Speech” Algorithm


It is hard to say why Facebook said my recent video about Andrew Yang was “hate speech.”

It could have been the fact that Yang, a dark-horse contender for the Democrat presidential nomination, gave a speech at Harvard where he predicted that within ten years, roving gangs of Caucasian youths would be roaming the streets of America, attacking Asian people because white people were jealous of their professional success.

That is, after all, what white people do all the time to black people right now. Right?

Let’s hear it straight from the same mouth that wants to give every American $1000 a month:

Who is going to be the boogie man of the next 10 to 20 years? Who is going to be the next great rival in the eyes of American society? China.

And so what do you think the attitude is going to be over time for the shrinking, insecure white majority that is losing their jobs for Chinese Americans or Asian Americans?

Personally, I said to a group at Harvard, we are one generation away from falling into the same camps as the Jews, who were attacked in the synagogue in Pittsburgh.

We are probably just one generation away from Americans shooting up a bunch of Asians because there’s a giant cold war with China.

That is the great danger I fear my children are going to grow up in.


It would be refreshing to hear Facebook say the video of Yang is the hate speech. But no. It’s the exposing of the democrat candidate for saying racist things that is the hate speech.



12 Comments on Facebook’s Weaponized “Hate Speech” Algorithm

  1. Get your Yellow Peril here! Fresh off the boat.

    China is the enemy. Not because of race but because of nationalism. Several generations of latently homosexual, overpampered only sons who’ve never seen a war and being fed decades of propaganda without a differing thought allowed under rigid doctrinaire Communism.

    Yea, it’s something to worry about.

    Remind me when US business men aren’t murdered for their trade secrets when visiting over there.

    But Facebook banning people for non-hateful statements while allowing this horseshit? I’ll alert the guy Jim Jefferies interviewed, the people who were booted for mocking Rachel Maddow crying and those booted for telling “journalists” to Learn To Code.

    Quit using them and support busting these corporate fascist monopolies into a thousand pieces. I want them to say Teddy Roosevelt and Donald Trump in the same sentence when it comes to trustbusting.

  2. Asian democrats haven’t thought their white-hating agenda through. If you get rid of all the white people, then Asians are next up on the racial scapegoating list for the ne’erdowell assholes who can’t get by without functional people buying them free shit.

  3. Here is the problem with any U.S. “minority” deciding to break bad…….. umm…… well….. you know….. there are a bunch of honkies! and about half of them are armed……
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. Um….it is roving gangs of negroes who roam the streets of America attacking
    Asians. That is to say, when negroes can’t find white victims for their ‘knockout game’.

  5. A FB friend kept having a meme they kept posting removed until FB gave him a warning if he posted it again they’d give him a 3 day suspension.

    Sucks for FB, then we all started sharing it and all of our friends started sharing it and their friends shared it, ….. and then we all put it as our profile picture. They finally gave up removing it I guess.

    It was a picture of the jew hating Muslim congresswoman with a diaper on her head with the caption, “It’s not a jihab, It’s a diaper for those with shit for brains!”

  6. I signed onto facebook around 2007-2008 for about 6 weeks. All these people from my high school and college were trying to friend me. But when I looked at their pages, they were almost all Obama people. At that point I was more than 30 years out of high school and 25 years out of college.
    I was NEVER a liberal, I grew up in the Reagan era and like my parents I was a staunch conservative.
    So there was one man who sat next to me for two years in math class who contacted me remembering about our central Jersey arguments over the 80′ NY Giants (mine) vs. the 80’s Eagles (his).
    That was fun for awhile, but then it turned to politics, because he started talking politics and I noticed he was an Obama supporter.

    When I told him I support McCain he freaked out.

    There is more that he did, but let me just say he did it on facebook, and I requested to them that they close my account. Then their policy was if I don’t have any activity in two weeks they will close my account.
    I got curious and three days later I logged in to my facebook account to see what people were saying. Sure enough, it was nasty and after that I closed my facebook for good. Never to log-in again.


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