Dem Rep Harasses Elderly Woman Exercising Her 1st Amendment Right – IOTW Report

Dem Rep Harasses Elderly Woman Exercising Her 1st Amendment Right

Janitor sends in this clip, writing –

This is disturbing. A government official purporting to defend “women’s 
rights” verbally assaults and videos a lone woman praying in front of PP 
and exercising HER First Amendment rights. Also her church.

Here is the number of this ahole’s office-

(215) 246-1501
Fax: (215) 246-1597

23 Comments on Dem Rep Harasses Elderly Woman Exercising Her 1st Amendment Right

  1. I saw this earlier this morning and I admire the fact the woman kept her cool (I need to learn that skill) but this dirtbag of a “representative” was raising money for PP off his posted rant. While I was watching it, all these hearts kept floating up. What is wrong with people (rhetorical)?

  2. PP is the closest he’s ever been to a vagina. And who apppinted this self righteous, virtue-baton twirling a-hole as the spokesperson to apologize on MY behalf as a white person?

  3. We could all call the PRICK and ask them is this how gay bullies run…er roam….

    “yes from I understand your boss is gay?? I am trying to be open minded and well based on Mr. Sims behaviour are ALL gay people this angry and display such bullying behaving this way? Why was your boss BADGERING a stranger, A WOMAN, an OLDer woman. ARE all gays so INTOLERANT as your BOSS”

    Then you will get the click…I did.

    This effing coward would NEVER try that on ANYONE but a old white woman by HERSELF.

  4. It’s best she said nothing. He’s one of “those” that would talk over anything and everything you tried to say. See that a lot in politicians…All mouth, no ears

  5. I wouldn’t have a problem with gay people if they weren’t such stinking faggots. And who came up with the word “gay” to describe them? When is the last time we ever saw a happy, fun, pleasant to be around homosexual. They are worse that racists.

  6. Had a co-worker in the 80’s. Deceit hard working easy to get along with dude. Daily just trying to get out on the one-street route from the small city. Extremists from both sides needed to be dealt with.
    The ones this day had to tie up and block all traffic, screaming their bully verb-age!
    My mild mannered co-worker voiced his welled thought opinion,
    “Shame it’s missed all of you”
    ‘Now get the F’ out of my way,,,’


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