44 year-old trans man wins cycling event against women half his age – IOTW Report

44 year-old trans man wins cycling event against women half his age

Any woman cool with this is an idiot.

35 Comments on 44 year-old trans man wins cycling event against women half his age

  1. She’ish and its family must be so proud. Perhaps he will soon graduate to training bra.

    Honestly, this all reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer beats down on little kids in karate class.
    Stupid on stilts.

  2. I tried to read the article but my Dutch has fallen by the way side….I think I read “Fuckin’ dude has more balls then me….how can I win?”….”I look like such a lollypop”…

  3. But he still can’t participate in the holy sacrament of choosing to do what he will with his own body and dispose of unwanted tissue mass like his fellow team mates can.

  4. Anonymous
    “Are you presuming that gerbil’s gender!?”

    Gerbil Gender? What the fuck is that? Kinda strange you know so much about it. Again, another Anom.
    Fur, for the integrity of the sight you need to ban these assholes. My opinion obviously. You need to at least think about banning the cowards.

  5. “@Brad but what if one of them is Q Anon?”

    Really? Another idiot anon. I mean really, grab your sack and use a recognizable name. I mean WTF. Do you want to go thru the rest of your life being a pussy? Man the fuck up. Are you a man? I guess not.

  6. Q is the singular entity, whatever Q happens to be. Q Anon’s are those that follow Q and work to interpret what Q says. It makes sense for anonymous to not know if he/she is a singular entity, or one of a group, or one of many anonymi. Which makes it impossible to address anonymous as an individual.

  7. So, liberal females, how’s that equality thingy wurkin out fur ya? How’s about declaring those born male? Compete with males. Those born female? They compete as females.

  8. Mentally ill man, who believes he is a woman, was permitted to participate in a women’s cycling event by equally mentally ill cycling event officials.
    Here’s a hint. If they’re a dangler, they’re not a female.

  9. Tearing societal norms apart is great sport for those on the left. They take great delight in upsetting people with outrageous claims, demands and actions.
    Why? because they are internally angry and deeply disturbed malcontents that can only find satisfaction in doing harm to others.

  10. @John March 3, 2019 at 8:35 am

    > We gave them the vote they demanded and this is what they did with it.

    You seem to think there’ll be some lesson learned.


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