Waters’ hypocrisy is understandable… she’s an idiot – IOTW Report

Waters’ hypocrisy is understandable… she’s an idiot

After her tirade, telling people to get up in Trump cabinet member’s faces and create a mob scene and surround them at the gasoline station and drive them out of society, she now whines that she can’t go to the grocery store–>

What an idiot.

More at Gateway Pundit

15 Comments on Waters’ hypocrisy is understandable… she’s an idiot

  1. “They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. The stalk has no head; it will produce no flour. Were it to yield grain, foreigners would swallow it up.”
    (Hosea 8:7)

    Fuck her.
    Whiny piece of shit who can’t stand up to what she’s advocated.

    Like the boy in the old proverb, who, on being convicted of killing his parents, begged for mercy on the grounds that he was an orphan.

    Can’t stand the heat? Get the fuck outta da kitchen!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Ceckless funt…….

    Damn! TRF (By the way, one of the classic parts suppliers I utilize goes by the same handle) that picture is even more hideous than her normal visage but, as you can see, I agree with the reflection.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  3. Tim
    OCTOBER 4, 2019 AT 7:28 AM
    “Like the boy in the old proverb, who, on being convicted of killing his parents, begged for mercy on the grounds that he was an orphan.”

    …this actually happened…and it WORKED, at least for awhile…

    ‘But the Menendez brothers? These young men, who shot their rich parents and then belatedly but tearfully claimed to have done so because of child abuse, have won two hung juries. If they get away with murder, it is time for us to return to the caves.

    Their trial has elevated therapeutic expiation to truly comic proportions. The classic definition of chutzpah is a person who murders his parents and then demands mercy from the court on the grounds that he is an orphan. This is meant to be a joke.

    Yet the following occurred at the Menendez trial: The prosecutor, cross-examining a psychologist brought by the defense, pointed out that Lyle Menendez bought $15,000 worth of Rolex watches and money clips after murdering his parents and then wore one of the Rolexes to his parents’ funeral. “Was that an act of respect?” the prosecutor asked.

    “He had this strong love for his father,” replied the psychologist. “And the conditions that had been produced meant he had lost his father. He no longer had this person he loved.” We are meant to feel sorry for Lyle because, after all, he had just lost his father. How did he lose him? Owing to “the conditions that had been produced” — a spectacular euphemism for patricide. So we are to explain this apparent act of disrespect (flaunting inherited wealth at father’s funeral) as the response of a despondent child who had just been orphaned — from parents he had just murdered!’

    (Sorry for the WaPo link, but they DID report on things besides Trump hate in ’94)

    …it’s been a sick world with no justice for a long time now…

    …Thanks Democrats…

  4. On Fox and Friends today, Victor Davis Hansen played a clip of all the anti impeachment 1998 democrats, including fatso blimp Nader and her complaining about at red against their president and the coup de tat to overturn the vote of the people.

    Apparently these clowns aren’t aware of that new dangled invention of video recordings.

  5. where would America be without the marvelous accomplishments of: m. toilet-waters, d. fart-stain, n. pees-loosely, s. jackson-peed, a. optional-kotex, rat-s**ta t., i. blows-more?

  6. Gah! If it’s illegal, Maxine Waters has done it. It’s nauseating to read the many (MANY!) illegal activities and anti-American positions she’s taken over the years.


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