California Police Officers At Anti-Lockdown Protest Appear To STAND DOWN After Marine Vet With Megaphone Challenges Their Integrity – IOTW Report

California Police Officers At Anti-Lockdown Protest Appear To STAND DOWN After Marine Vet With Megaphone Challenges Their Integrity

The Scoop-

Wow.  Let me just start out by saying that no matter what your individual views on the coronavirus lockdown orders are, this video is going to give you the chills.

..a Marine veteran named Cordie Lee Williams can be seen speaking into a megaphone, challenging California police officers to “stand down.”

“In the face of tyranny, in the face of freedom, are you going to sit there in your riot gear against peaceful protesters?” asked Williams.  “Or are you going to say, ‘you know what, it’s time to stand up for my country.  Because I took an oath of office and it said, ‘I will defend all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

Williams continued, “You might lose your job, but I’d rather lose my job than lose my soul.

“What are you going to tell your little boy or your little girl tonight? That you took your baton and you crushed somebody’s skull, who was a mom? Is that what a tough guy does? That’s not what honor, courage, and commitment means in the Marine Corps.”

Williams then directly challenged the officers’ integrity, “We always have in the military, we have ‘what’s a lawful order.’  And you’ve gotta check your nutsack when you’re given an order, and you’ve gotta say, ‘is this a lawful order or is this a bullshit order?’

“When something’s a bullshit order, and it doesn’t pass the sniff test,” Williams said, “that’s when you say, ‘Sergeant,’ that’s when you say, ‘Colonel,’ that’s when you say, ‘General,’ that’s when you say, ‘Governor, I’m not doing that.  I didn’t sign up for that.”

Shortly after Williams challenged the officers to ‘stand down,’ the officers appeared to retreat and leave the location.

video here

ht/ joe6pak

11 Comments on California Police Officers At Anti-Lockdown Protest Appear To STAND DOWN After Marine Vet With Megaphone Challenges Their Integrity

  1. Someone on the video points out that they didn’t stand down, but that it was a changing of the guard. Anyone else hear that? Nonetheless, it was really a perfect speech from the Marine!

  2. The petty wanna be tyrants are going to rue the day they picked this fight.

    My hard leftist neighbor down the street was ranting and raving about Inslee to me today and saying he had enough of the bullshit.

  3. There were a lot of them who had already had that talk with themselves and had found a way to justify to themselves their actions. He knocked that all to hell.

  4. At first , the optimist in me said “Great. They came to their senses.” BUT, after watching the Deep State, New World Order, etc. for the last 40+ years, I believe the higher ups said “This is BAD optics, have them withdraw.”

    The only thing that stopped them from storming the Bundy Stand-off was hundreds of camera phones recording everything. Don’t ever give the evil, marxist tyrants the benefit of the doubt. They’re incapable of compassion.

    As for their enforcement arm, they’re showing more everyday who’s side they are going to take. Caution and skepticism are your friends these days.

  5. AbigailAdams: I heard that, too. However, I don’t think they all would leave before the new shift gets there. They must have a way of rotating the last shift out and the new shift in while still maintaining a strong presence.

  6. I think the message hit home with many of the LEOs. Deep down most people know right from wrong and this is all wrong! It’s like some Jackass democRATs are just itching to re-create a nuther Kent State on the 50th anniversary!

  7. Even if there was some rotation of those on duty, by the end of the video the LEO presence had their back to the crowd and were walking away. I’m going to believe the Marine’s words hit home for many of those guys.

  8. all it takes is a seed of doubt planted in their minds. Some seed may fall on rich soil, some seed in thorns and some on the path where birds immediately pick it up and carry it off. The more patriots stand up against this, the more that will join us.


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