Now Democrats Are Stuck With Biden – IOTW Report

Now Democrats Are Stuck With Biden

Kurt Schlichter- Contrary to much speculation on the right, Democrats stuck with the fast-failing, feeble Joe Biden through their hilariously inept convention – Stop! Hey! What’s that sound! Look at this LP of my grandpa’s that I found! – and they are now well and truly stuck with him. Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit did not stagger in, waving her half-empty bottle of screw-top Trader Joe’s Chardonnay, and putsch him out of the way. Michelle stayed put in her seaside villa from which she chides us for, among other things, not taking the global warming hoax’s rising ocean threat seriously. And Kamala failed to get that box of “special” chocolates past Oldfinger’s latest food taster.

Luckily, for the Democrats, Gropey J’s speech was the greatest speech in the history of speeching, according to reliable and objective mainstream media sources whose collective reaction to the teleprompter opus collectively evoked the sin of Onan. After all, he only plagiarizes from the best. That B-Dawg managed to read from a teleprompter without drooling and concluding by yelling “Come on, fat!” was a kind of achievement, just not the impressive kind. 

But that did not stop the MSNBCNN pogue’s gallery of smart people of smartness from hailing him as Cicero reborn, though Cicero ended up with his head and hands nailed to the rostra. While the 25th Amendment is a somewhat less severe fate, though the savvy observer would put nothing past his scheming sidekick, it’s his best-case scenario.

hat hype is part of the problem with the Weekend at Joey’s campaign strategy, where his handlers – in cahoots with their media transcriptionists – prop up this mumbling stiff and insist that all’s well even as they wrap him in Depends and mainline him Ensure to keep him upright. It’s worked well so far, perhaps too well. more

15 Comments on Now Democrats Are Stuck With Biden

  1. Plans to burn it all down are in the works because they know these two losers don’t have a snowballs chance.
    They won’t concede and they’ll encourage taking it to the streets. Misery is just part of socialism/communism.
    I’m thinking that insurance companies are going to up the rates of businesses

  2. I accidentally stumbled on this delusional article looking for updates on the hurricane so I guess their plan is to lie, claim Biden is winning TX and every other state while meanwhile planning to make this the most chaotic election ever with Hillary screeching that Biden should not concede, they’ll win it with lawyers. I just hope Trump wins in a landslide and they lose whatever is left of their minds. I love how they even say it is a left leaning poll but publish it like it is reality.

  3. Looking at Biden and Kamala with their black masks is like watch watching a Quentin Tarantino take on “Driving Miss Daisy”. This movie won’t end well for either of them. The flashbacks are already bad. Maybe the Stingray will go off a cliff with both of them in it.

  4. I picture Joe sitting in the basement watching the republican convention, thinking it is a movie. At some point he’ll ask his wife, “why are there so many colored people in this movie? and who is this idiot Joe they keep talking about? I sure wouldn’t want to be that loser.”

  5. Dementia Joe Obiden Bama and Kalamity Harris are a real team! She believes Tara Reade and Jussie Smollett, and he cannot remember meeting them or what they said about him.

  6. Meanwhile Hillary is declaring votes don’t count, the only thing that counts is forcing Trump out.

    Well, she didn’t say votes don’t count directly, only implied it when she advised Joe, “Whatever happens, do not concede defeat on the night of the Nov. 3 election”.

    Hey, she did, and wishes she didn’t. And has continued for 3.5 years claiming she did not lose. Joe not conceding, despite a losing vote count, will make it easier to turn the next four years into a bigger nightmare three ring circus than the last 4 years have been.


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