48,000 photo submissions to The Smithsonian… guess what won – IOTW Report

48,000 photo submissions to The Smithsonian… guess what won

The Smithsonian received 48,000 submissions to its photo contest. What are the odds that the editors would pick, as its winner, Muslim women in burqas praying in a mosque? About 1 in 3. The other odds on favorites being a #BLM activist or a queer.

The people’s choice award went to a picture of a white woman, tired and falling asleep against a washing machine at a laundromat.

The editors probably hated it. Too prototypical of a time gone by when women took care of things like the laundry.

ht/ waitforit


20 Comments on 48,000 photo submissions to The Smithsonian… guess what won

  1. Two contrasts:
    One is all so real to us (the woman tied to a washer/dryer who may be wearing nursing home scrubs) and a bunch of 3rd world lemmings poised to overrun civilized society.

    There is indeed no accounting for truth in these magazines. DON’T BUY THEM.

  2. No surprise here.

    White woman? Who does actual WORK? Not an enormously fat, tattooed woman, with dyed hair and shit-colored fingernails, on welfare, surrounded by a dozen l’il snot-nosed brats?

    Fuck the Smithsonian. Smithson must be spinning in his grave.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. This is classic cultural marxism. These pigs at the Smithsonian are trying to redefine Beauty as this shit you see here. WTF? If there were a real resistance to this in the country, the panel who picked these photos should be tracked down and covered in buckets of shit. Afterward, take their photos, and then say, “Look!… It’s ‘art’!”

  4. From this choice, it is obvious the Smithsonian likes only unidentified women in submission.
    this picture my also have won for American values.

    The Smithsonian should be in a magazine of choice in the outhouse.

  5. Tv is garbage, please cut the cord, fully.

    Movies are made for children & degenerate minded nihilists. Please stop going to them.

    Modern Art museums are similar to cancer Aids.

    Sportsball is a money making machine filled w/progressives who pay criminals to toss a ball around. Wean yourself off.

    Go fishing, do gardening, read more books, take care of your kids & grandkids, teaching them civics & morality. Play with your dog. Go help elderly relatives or volunteer.

    Fight both political parties, vote out Rs who act like Dems. Punish them harshly.
    Hold Trump to the fire, don’t be like a Barry sycophant.
    Go to war, ev’body.

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