IOTW Report

Hello Everybody,
My name is Aaron Clarey and BFH was kind enough to allow me to throw a book I wrote at the mercy of iOTW readers.

For the first three people interested I will mail a copy of “How Not to Become a Millennial” in exchange for a review on iOTW.  It’s in paperback, kindle, and audio, so more than happy to buy a digital/audio version for you if you prefer.  But the larger point is this – there has never been such a long, large, or expensive sociological experiment, let alone socialist experiment, conducted in America than the Millennial generation.  And whether you’ve realized it or not, nearly every possible socialist and social science theory was tested on them, and the result is the abysmal performance (and suffering) this generation has had.

This presents anybody who is for freedom and against socialism/tyranny an incredible gift – an entire generation and decades worth of empirical proof that socialism and the social sciences have failed.  And “How Not to Become a Millennial” capitalizes on this by highlighting the various failures of the Millennial generation and their socialist origins/causes. 

It is my idealistic hope that we can use the Millennials as an example to warn future generations from the devastating effects of socialism/the social sciences be that financially-crippling worthless degrees, putting fat acceptance over beauty, traits over accomplishments, or politics over love.

If anybody is interested in reviewing this book please reach out to me at  And for those just curious you can check out the book here:

Many thanks,
Aaron Clarey

12 Comments on

  1. Impressive reviews on Amazon. I put it on my Kindle wish list for purchase after i finish 3 fan fiction pieces and ‘The Desert Generals’. Makes me wonder if 90% of Europe are Millennials regardless of age.

  2. I think a more fascinating book would be on baby boomers and why they did this to millenials in the first place. The boomers are the root of the problem, do we really believe 20-30 year olds have had more of an affect and more power than 50-70 year olds?

  3. Millennials should fear us boomers. We were weans on peanut butter sandwiches on gluten-rich white bread. We biked and skated and rode skateboards and scooters without helmets or knee or elbow pads. We played with toy guns and knives and even BB guns. As high school kids we brought out deer rifles to school in the fall. We rode in the back seats of cars and in the backs of pickup trucks without child safety seats. We played with real explosives on the 4th of July. We lived in houses painted with lead-based paint and fireproofed with asbestos. We survived Y2K, the harmonic convergence, the end of the Mayan calendar, and half a dozen Blood Moons! WE ARE INVINCIBLE

  4. It used to be Don’t trust anyone over 30 now it should be Don’t trust anyone under 30. And don’t trust all the damn anti war protestors and hippies and other miscreants who started all this shit back in the 60’s and their physical and spiritual miscreant children in Antifa and BLM.

  5. @geeknerd – now the skateboards are being USED by the Millenials as WEAPONS?!?!

    My how things have REALLY changed!

    @Chuck O – seems like interesting content. I looked up what other books Barick wrote. Seems to get GOOD reviews.

    @lil morphin’ annie – I noticed the same thing and took did some quick research to figure out they are not one in the same? I guess?

    That was very nice of you @BFH, to have the author here.


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