IOTW Report

American Thinker-

“911.  What is your emergency?”

“I’m being robbed.”  



“Do you have any evidence of that?”  

“Yes!  I’m looking right at the robbers.”

“Okay.  But do you have any video?”  

“As a matter of fact, my security cameras are running right now.”

“Good.  Put your phone next to the video and let me see.”

“Okay.  Here’s the video, and here is live feed of the robbers, directly from my phone.”

“I see.  But there are other possible explanations for what is going on.”  

“What other possible explanation could there be?  You can actually see them robbing my house.”  

“Has any court ruled that they are doing that?”  

“Court?  What the hell are you talking about?  You can see them with your own eyes.”  

“Let me talk to them.”  

“Talk to them?  Are you crazy?”  

Just then, one of the robbers hears what you said and takes the phone from your hand.  “Hello,” he says.  Then, “No, we’re not robbing this guy’s house.  He’s just a sore loser.”  He gives you back the phone.  

“This is 911 again.  He denies that he is robbing your house.”  

“But you can plainly see him.”  

“Sir, there are laws against robbing houses.  And you have no evidence of widespread house-robbing.”  


ht/ any mouse

13 Comments on

  1. ecp
    DECEMBER 20, 2020 AT 1:58 PM
    “If you want to prove wide-spread robbery someone needs to steal from the robber.”

    …no one worries more about theft than a thief. Thats why Dems were always on about election fraud, because its what THEY do all the time, so they just figure everyone ELSE will try, too…

  2. “You didn’t build that” was Smidgen giving thrives the moral right to a claim on what others have worked their asses off for.

    Have you ever noticed that statement resonated with the most indolent of worthless pieces of shit in society and its acceptance diminishes to insignificance as you consider how much a person has contributed to society? Buy in is inversely commensurate to effort and contribution to society with those who have been a net negative making the greatest claim on what others have produced.


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