4chan’s new troll campaign aims to make the hashtag a white supremacist symbol – IOTW Report

4chan’s new troll campaign aims to make the hashtag a white supremacist symbol

Daily Dot-

Members of the notorious internet forum 4chan have proposed a new troll campaign aimed at converting the hashtag into a white supremacist symbol.

“We must start using # to represent the swastika on memes and social media,” the user states.

The far-right campaign, dubbed “Bash the Hash,” a play on the anti-fascist term “Bash the Fash,” aims to remove the ability of sites like Twitter to use the popular symbol.

“It will be a perfect win-win situation,” the user adds. “Either Twitter will have to accept blatant Nazism on its forums or it will effectively have to find a way to get rid of the site’s core mechanics.”


24 Comments on 4chan’s new troll campaign aims to make the hashtag a white supremacist symbol

  1. Yeah, that’s the ticket!
    Accuse somebody of doing what you do!
    What’s more Fascist than branding someone as “Fascist?” Pretty much a Stalin ploy.

    Works with Morons!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Oh my, I guess now musicians will no longer wish to raise notes a half tone when they see this symbol so all music will now sound strange. If you don’t C# you’ll Bb
    Why couldn’t white supremacists use Prince’s old useless symbol?

  3. What, does this mean we can’t use the # sign? ################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################

  4. I’m for anything that will cause “constipation face” for any lefty and I give this guy an A for originality. But, TBF, my understanding is that 4chan is just a depository for any anti-PC driven rant. I have seen some pretty outlandish, anti-social, bigoted stuff on this site. Of course it is no reflection on the authors or the majority of the posters. My point is that it is not fair to brand a site for the sins of outlier posters.

  5. Hitler (#) was the father of the far-far-far-right/left. He also used the “thumbs up” gesture to show that whites were the #1 race (see what I did there?). So, every time you give the thumbs up gesture you are saying that whites are superior to all other races.
    And I see by all the thumbs ups on these forums that iotwreport is full of racists.

  6. That’s not a hash tag. Those are 4 lower case letter “t”s. T for TRUMP.



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