4th Grader Permanently Expelled From School for Having 3 “Bang Snaps” – IOTW Report

4th Grader Permanently Expelled From School for Having 3 “Bang Snaps”


Your Stupid Zero Tolerance Story Du Jour

When you look back at your childhood, you might have fond memories of throwing around little “Bang Snap” noisemakers with your friends. Or possibly at your friends, if you were that kind of kid. You might have even brought some to school to share and have fun with during recess. I know I did.

But now we live in a world of school panics. A 10-year-old fourth grader in the Henry County School District in Georgia bought a handful of these little noisemakers to his bus stop, then had three left over in his backpack when he entered Flippen Elementary School. Another student told the principal, who searched his backpack and found them.

They didn’t suspend him, which itself would be absurd. They expelled the boy, permanently. Indeed, they expelled him from the entire school district, pointing to a zero tolerance rule “that permanent expulsion is the punishment when a student brings an explosive compound to school,” according to Atlanta’s WSBTV.


He’d be better off Bang Snapping his best friend in the boy’s room. Not only would it be 100% tolerated, it would be applauded.

What’s next, banning the paper poppers?

Remember these?

31 Comments on 4th Grader Permanently Expelled From School for Having 3 “Bang Snaps”

  1. Typical… Worthless bureaucrats and administrators intentionally avert their eyes and attention from the kids they know are truly dangerous because they’re scared shitless of them; so they crack down extra hard on kids they know are harmless but do anything they can possible classify them as “anti-social” in any way tangentially associated with guns; so they can stomp them into the ground and then crow to their overlords how “effective” they are at curbing school violence. What a repulsive society we live in now.

  2. Sooo, you take Iodine crystals, pour ammonia over them, when it dries it’s a very volatile percussion cap.
    Hell, I think I was in the 4th grade when we did that.
    Black powder, did that, boom.
    I have a life long friend, whenever we get together, we marvel at the fact we both still have all our digits and eyesight.

  3. In grade school I had some of these and in a large auditorium where we had a school wide presentation I got the idea to put them on the ground under another students feet far enough away to give plausible deniability. After watching and waiting for an hour we had given up on them and then it happened. The student shifted and set them off. No one in the early 80s thought gunfire but man did that disrupt the room and end the event. I can’t imagine what would happen today. Somehow they didn’t figure it all out and drag the two of us rolllimg in fits of laughter out of there.

  4. I’ve had bean burritos that are more explosive than the saw dust filled bang snap noise makers…..and more disruptive and dangerous, too.

    Flippen school administrators at Flippen elementary school.
    Flippen idiots.

  5. Must be a white kid. If he was black, they’d all be saying “move along, nothing to see here.” And how about the little pustule that told on him? He needs a good swirley.

  6. Lucky kid. The commissars blew it.
    If they had trained him “their way” he might have not seen their hypocricy first hand. Now he
    can grow up learning to me a man
    instead of a eunuch.

  7. Heck, I remember THROWING hard enough at eachother so as to they would SNAP.

    My troops love them!

    Simple inocuaous victimless fun entertainment.

    IT’s a summertime memory these bastards want taken away…


  8. My brothers and I would go to flea markets with our Dad, and one fine day, we bought pea shooters. Not straws, but pea shooters. Like a straw on steroids.

    We also got several bags of peas, and a few boxes of these new things called Fun Snaps.

    We staked out a position above and behind one guy with all kinds of glassware, tin trays, etc.

    We then proceeded to load up as many of the peas as we could fit in our mouths, and in between fits of insane laughter, prepared for our assault.

    We drew in as much air as possible, then All at once, let loose a devastating fusillade, rivaling the firepower of a chain gun.

    The guy running the table had no idea what the hell was happening – the noises coming off his table were hilarious to us!

    We casually blended into the crowd, still laughing our silly asses off, but would later return.

    After a while, we decided that we wanted to up the ante a bit, so we loaded our pea shooters with the Fun Snaps, and let loose once again on the same guys table.

    We got away with it again, and very uncharacteristic ally, did not go back a third time.

    Maybe Dad told us it was time to go. That’s the only explanation that makes sense.

    Zero Tolerance policies are evidence that the people who are supposed to be in charge, using good judgement and common sense, lack those qualities.

    Have Fun, kids.

  9. I have zero tolerance for bureaucrats with zero tolerance, especially those who rule over mandatory govt indoctrination establishments.

    I heartily agree with a couple of previous comments that the kid will in the long run be much better off being excluded from the brainwashing program. Home school!

  10. If you wanna see an entire community acting in the same way, hit up Pine Mountain Club in California. I was dragged out there 4 years ago for July 4th with the family who rented a house for the week. Signs were posted all over the place No fires, no fireworks, no smoking, no anything with sparks or fire.

    Naturally, we didn’t think that included harmless party poppers (the things you hold, pull a string, and streamers come out) or “bang snaps.” So we gave these to the kids to play on the driveway.

    Not more than 30 seconds of kids playing with these harmless “fireworks,” the neighbor was yelling at the kids, “are you fu–ing stupid!?!!!????!!” Which got me out there yelling at the neighbor not to talk to kids with that language. He called me a fucking moron and before you know it, the entire neighborhood was out there calling us expletives. Not more than 3 minutes from the time the neighbor initially bitched, we were surrounded by 4 cop cars and about 20 neighbors.

    We all calmed down and I vowed to never spend another dime in their liberal utopia. I don’t know how we managed to avoid arrest other than the cops sorta agreed with us that their fireworks ban was a bit too strict, and we agreed to stop.

  11. ‘Bolt bombs’ when I was a kid – two large bolts threaded into the same nut with a pinch of kitchen match grindings in between. Give it a toss to the concrete, the impact would set it off. BOOM! One blew apart and got Jimmy right in the jimmy, no permanent damage, but he howled like a banshee for at least ten minutes.
    Good times.

  12. @Outdoorjohn – Thank you, thank you, thank you! I had completely forgotten about bolt bombs. When we made ’em, though, we’d charge ’em with a little firecracker powder. Great fun and good times, indeed!

    I was fortunate as a kid – I lived for three years in Argentina (1959-1961, age approx. 10-12) and the Latin Americans sure do love their fireworks. There was a shop near home that sold stuff from little bitty crackers all the way up to things that would blow your hand off if you weren’t careful. Although there was no minimum age, the proprietor wouldn’t sell anything to a kid who was too short to look over the counter. And I was tall for my age, plus the counter wasn’t very high!

  13. Zero tolerance? Whenever some clown hits me with one of those ZT rules, I say “Me too! I have a Zero Tolerance rule!! When someone pulls a ZT rule on me, I never listen to anything that person ever says again. Sorry, but it’s a Zero Tolerance rule.”

    And then just stand there ignoring any wild gesticulation and spittle-soaked invective that pours out of them. After a minute or so, just walk away. If they come around again, totally ignore them. If a cop shows up, simply explain, politely and respectfully, that you have no choice — it’s a Zero Tolerance rule. There’s no leeway.

    Never works, of course. But it’s fun, especially if there are giggling witnesses.

  14. “Bang snaps? We use to take firecrackers and cherry bombs to school.”

    Kevin R., Ah memories. Cherry bombs in the toilets, back in the day. It was usually an eye-rolling offense. Unless something happened where the toilet became unusable and then who ever got caught doing the next one, got the entire bill. lol.

  15. My brothers and I would be arrested now for all the homemade explosives and things that go boom if we were in school now. We’re also damned lucky we never had a serious issue with them. It was part of growing up back just like having a gun to go hunting after school. And the thing was we as kids could buy all the ingredients we needed at the local Rexall 3 blocks away from our house over the counter with no questions asked back in the mid to late 60’s and even early 70’s. And there was a time that you could buy dynamite legally at the hardware store for blowing up stumps etc., my grandfather was able to do that for clearing his farmland of trees and stumps back in the 30’s.

  16. Old Urban ‘Warfare’ amoung little friends…

    (1) Long rubber band
    (1) 1″ x 3″ x 24″ pine board
    (1) Clothes line spring loaded clip
    (1) one set goggles if you could scrounge a pair from somewhere
    Elmer’s Glue
    Ammo – Beer opener clips – (the old ones that snapped off) – the ones that were all over the streets and sidewalks of the Bronx…

    Secure/anchor rubber band a the one end of the board and at the other end secure/anchor the clothes clip.

    Take the beer clip, secure with rubber band stretch back to the clothes pin, open then secure the clip/rubbber band…then fire your crude weapon by pressing your thumb down on clothes pin leg. Fairly accurate from what I remember…


    “Have fun kids” – Anon

    We played in an old City landfill THAT is now…get ready… a Trump golf course! We called it ‘The Dumps’…so IF POTUS Trump transformed one DUMP already I have the confidence he can drain a SWAMP…

    I saw the transformation, over a long period of time, personally…’ba-lieve me’…to quote the POTUS.


  17. Gee Wally, Liberals musta traded in their brains for Zero Tolerance.

    Yeah Beave, obviously they weren’t worth anything…

    I know what I used to do back in the day with firecrackers and home-brew stuff would get me arrested on terrorism charges today!
    But Bang snaps? Really??? Those things can be purchased just about anywhere. Kindergarteners play with them things. How does a kid get permanently expelled for having (not even using) something that harmless? Good Grief! The on-going Pussification of America continues!!

  18. Not too many years ago we believed that comprehension and intent were required for a crime, and children were incapable of criminal intent. We believed in correction and forgiveness.

    We have strayed far from that path. We have become intolerant and unforgiving.

  19. I was a member of my high school marching band. Our uniforms included a polished, chrome-plated helmet with a white ostrich plume.

    Guess what happened whenever we marched in a parade.

    Those helmets made the perfect targets for redneck kids throwing these things. I got hit about a half dozen times during my last parade. And I never flinched. Because, unlike these idiots in Henry County, I knew they couldn’t possibly hurt me or anyone else.

  20. MJA JUNE 2, 2018 AT 4:03 PM

    Yes, all fun and games until you escalate to, “Hey let’s fill the sink with water and throw the M80 into it.” Luckily ran out of the bathroom before the explosion as the sink ricocheted (small pieces of porcelain) all over the room and would have been very bad for anyone still there.

    Almost didn’t post this as it ID’s me to anyone I went to high school with as I lost the tail end of an entire semester over it. The take away is don’t borrow the matches from the janitor.

    Did I really say you can’t fix stupid in the previous thread?

  21. Education is a TOTAL SHIT profession.

    This is what happens when stupid people (dumbest students on campus) are also liberal, who control everything. Like London, and Paris, the schools are just idiot zones run by idiots.

    Zero Tolerance is supposed to mean for ILLEGAL DRUGS, not legally prescribed medicine or over the counter aspirin. But zero tolerance to them means a Gestapo-like environment with no understanding of reality.

    Go ahead and destroy a child’s social structure and family life over a legally-purchased toy.


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