$5 Bargain at Taco Bell? Not So Fast – IOTW Report

$5 Bargain at Taco Bell? Not So Fast

Look at the fine print in the gray slab. That tells people, after blaring the giant $5 offer, that it depends on which Taco Bell you go to.

A couple is suing them for false advertisement. They are suing over $2.18.

(The amount is not the point. Ads should not be misleading.)


“As a result, the plaintiffs who were induced by this false and misleading advertisement have sustained an ascertainable loss, in the form of time wasted driving to the subject Taco Bell, the gasoline expended to drive their vehicle to the subject Taco Bell, and in the amount of $2.18, which is the difference between what they should have been charged ($10.00 before taxes) and what they were charged ($12.18 before taxes),” the lawsuit claims.

The Estrellas are seeking from Taco Bell, a Yum! Brand, “Compensatory damages” as well as legal fees and “Any other applicable consequential, incidental, nominal and expectation damages.”

28 Comments on $5 Bargain at Taco Bell? Not So Fast

  1. The limitations are specific and obvious, I don’t see it as misleading.

    This is pretty much a standard at individually owned franchises within a chain operation, and is usually stated the same way for all of them that have those individually owned franchise structures.

  2. A lie is a fucking lie.

    “If I say (write) a thing I know is not perfect truth, it is a flat perjury.”

    The intention of the ad was to mislead.
    Politicians call it “spin” but it is no less a lie.
    Obstruct, obfuscate, dissimulate, confuse, misdirect … whatever you call it … it’s a lie.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. By reading this line you have acknowledged agreement to all X this Y and Z. I may change this at any moment but You will not know it before until after You read that then. You See.

  4. Defendant will hire an attorney. Defendants attorney will file an answer and possibly a counterclaim and lawsuit will enter the discovery phase. Both parties will file interrogatories, document requests and requests for admissions. Both parties will object to any questions asked and nothing will be discovered. Defendants attorney having made sufficient money will advise client to offer a settlement because you never know how a jury will rule. After much anguish, defendant will settle. Plaintiffs attorney will consume most of the settlement and both parties will come to realize that our legal system was made to benefit attorneys.

  5. I discovered this to be the case as well and decided to go get my McRib instead, but the McD’s wasn’t participating, then I went to a non participating Popeyes for some shrimp, no luck there I headed to KFC but they weren’t participating in the 5 buck fill-up program, figured I’d just stay in and order a Jack-o-lantern pizza from Papa Johns but their jack-o-lantern crust making thing was broken and besides they were out of olives, so I got off my ass to get a shamrock shake back at McDonalds, did you know they aren’t served all year?!?!????

    I’m freaking starving, no one wants to serve me what I want for the price I want. I think my actions dictate a class action suit for at least 10 bucks.

  6. It’s annoying. Taco Bell can’t afford to pay for a better illustration?
    I’m not going to sue over a diarrhea maker deal, but how about that “at participating locations” in a bolder color in a visible location, and clear enough to read?
    And if it’s in a commercial, then say ONLY AT PARTICIPATING LOCATIONS.
    And one more time, for the people in the back.

    I see coupon flyers with fine print where the fine print isn’t legible. Not legible like – I need my glasses to read it, I mean as in the text is blurry. Lookin’ at you, Burger Kang.

    I don’t eat there, but Popeye’s flyers show exactly where you can use their coupons and specific deals.

  7. This thread made me hungry and is going to cost me $35 at the brunch stop with the family as soon as the wife wakes up in about an hour. Or maybe I’ll just take the kids now and save 15 bucks.

  8. Two of my brothers are practically addicted to TB as their snack/cheat.
    And it HAS gotten more expensive overall.
    The bean burrito, just plan ol burrito (not nearly enough beans ever], used to be 99 cents, then it was 1.15. Then 1.25. Now it’s 1.55. AND IT’S SMALLER THAN EVER.

    It’s annoying and ridiculous, but not enough grounds to sue over.

    I just hate Taco Bell now. It isn’t worth it.

  9. Maybe the Estrella’s can’t read English. Maybe they should have forced Taco Bell to put the disclaimer in every language so ALL can understand the limitations of the offer. I’m waiting for that lawsuit.

  10. If you ask for the 5 dollar box and you get charged 7 dollars + governments that would be wrong.
    If their window cling shows the deal and does not disclaimer like “ Mondays between 2:30 and 3:pm that would be wrong. Otherwise you are on your own

  11. Okay you paid $2.18 more and now after a class action suit that costs TB millions to settle with legal fees and coupons to everyone for something free the next offer will be for a box that costs $6 or $12 for two. Congrats on that stellar accomplishment.


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