$5 Billion – Mere “Crumbs” To The Federal Budget – IOTW Report

$5 Billion – Mere “Crumbs” To The Federal Budget

Remember when a San Francisco politician called the bonuses following the 2017 tax cut “crumbs?” Well, the same description can be applied when comparing the $5 billion requested by the President to continue building a wall along our southern border to the size of wasteful spending by our federal government alone. Here

According to that handy infographic that demonocracy posted 8 years ago, our federal government spends two border wall requests per day ($10.64 billion in 2011). Here

5 Comments on $5 Billion – Mere “Crumbs” To The Federal Budget

  1. Wasteful spending does not justify the funding of the wall/barrier.

    The amount of funds saved by not providing ILLEGALS with everything free; that is the figure to use in the equations.

    They are enjoying benefits they have not earned. You might say illegals are our slave owners. And the dems are the slave dealers selling us.

  2. The democrats are playing political games with American’s to punish Trump an outsider to the two party system. If your not in your out. Grade school antics that are wasteful and dangerous to hard working American TAX slaves.


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