5 Reasons A Senate Trial Would Be A Nightmare For Democrats – IOTW Report

5 Reasons A Senate Trial Would Be A Nightmare For Democrats



3. Senators On The Trail

There are currently six Democratic senators running for president of the United States. Two of them, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, are polling in the top three of all candidates. The Iowa caucus in on February 3. So let’s be generous and say Santa gives Democrats Articles of Impeachment by Christmas, We would be looking at almost all of the month of January, at least, taken up with a Senate trial.

What are these senators supposed to do? Do they put their campaign stops on hold for a month to be in the chamber and watch the trial, giving their opponents a huge ground game advantage? Conversely, do they skip the trial in order to campaign and eventually vote to remove a president even though they didn’t bother to attend the trial? Neither of these are very attractive options.

The whole article HERE

12 Comments on 5 Reasons A Senate Trial Would Be A Nightmare For Democrats

  1. Do they put their campaign stops on hold for a month to be in the chamber and watch the trial, giving their opponents a huge ground game advantage? Conversely, do they skip the trial in order to campaign and eventually vote to remove a president even though they didn’t bother to attend the trial? Neither of these are very attractive options.

    Fuck ’em.

  2. 6. A complete change in the electorate…Pissed off people who have never voted before pulling the lever for Trump. There a lot more out there that didn’t vote last time and have never voted that are feeling their lives are getting better under Trump.

  3. Was not today a nightmare for the Dem Inquisitors?? Just the Jim Jordan questioning alone.

    That Radcliff, cricket, cricket, moment??! Hello (hello..hello..) echo?

    And, nevermind the brilliant opening by Nunes. He will go down as a hero in this, speaking of which I would LOVE for the Reps to call Adm. Mike Rogers to testify.

    Boom. Games over.

  4. @Ghost, game over today. I watched. It’s over. Who will watch this again, day after day? Sorry if the cable news channels will continue airing this fake impeachment instead of their regular programming, because it is a loss to their bottom line. Nobody really wants to watch the rest of this scam. It belongs only on CSPAN3.

  5. Hey @Meerkat B – not yet. This is a process that will take its Constitutional path whether we like it or not. These villains aren’t done, btw I listened to it at work on the radio (best medium) and gave the libs a play by play. They were not happy! I asked them, quickie quiz, who controls foreign policy,

    a) the Congress
    b) the President / State Department
    c) the AIC?

    …for the most part, in this country?? Talk about cricket cricket, they had no response. We actually agreed the AIC does not!

    It belongs on EVERY network for the Independents and the Walk Away types to see. I said games and not game for a reason, this is not a one shot deal. Let the networks continue to hemorrhage and lie to their viewers as the NY Times lied to their readership for three straight years.

    Remember, Andrew Breitbart , of a few reasons, became a conservative when he watched the Clarence Thomas hearings.

    Let’s watch and listen. But, you are free not to of course.

  6. Another problem for the Demos.

    Who are their faces in this?

    Pelosi Galore and Schiff for Brains with a guest star part for Fatty Nadless.

    It’s a little like running Fauxcahontas, a nag and a scold who wants to take everybody’s money.

    Remember how everybody said Zippy ruined everything he touched? That includes the Democrat party.


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