Dissident: It’s not uncommon to see Che Guevara t-shirts worn proudly across the world. His portrait is one of the most iconic in history and the most reproduced image in the history of photography.


In fact, Time Magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century. He is revered almost as a god in Cuba. School children start their day by reciting “we will be like Che.”

Unfortunately, many are not educated about the true nature of the Cuban Revolution, much less Che’s part in it. Despite its claimed goals of liberty and social justice, the Cuban Revolution was instead marked most of all by violence and strife. But in typical communist fashion, the regime in Havana has mixed propaganda and violence to portray a romantic image of this revolutionary criminal.

1.) He ordered hundreds of executions without trials.  MORE


  1. Che is right up there with Pol Pot, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Mussolini, Margaret Sanger, the Turkish massacre of Armenians, ISIS, muslim jihadists and all others who perpetrated atrocities in the name of Socialism, Communism, Islamism, Racism, Imperialism and genocide.

    No wonder Time Magazine applauds Che.

    FDR in Hell is surrounded by these murderers and many more.

  2. Gee Wally, dirt poor, no skills, yachts made outta truck tire inner-tubes and healthcare that only a fat, propagandizing movie maker could love. Looks like they’ve achieved the goal…
    Now imagine where they’d be if they had only said:
    “we will be like Trump”
    and were only 0.01% successful?
    They’d all be Millionaires!

  3. When I see some puke wearing one of those I tell them ” You know, don’t you, that that guy tortured and killed people for wanting the freedom to walk around wearing a shirt that disagreed with him?”
    I usually just get the pot addled blank stare, but I figure there is some chance that a still functioning neuron may fire and the brain might reboot and start operating again.

  4. Wait a sec!

    You mean that being a mass murderer and torturer of innocents ISN’T cool?

    Well, what about Hitler?
    Or Stalin?
    Or Lenin?
    Or Hoxha?
    Or Ceausescu?
    Or Himmler?
    Or Mugabe?
    Or Mandela?
    Or Heydrich?
    Or Mussolini?
    Or Tito?
    Or Pol Pot?
    Or Ho Chi Minh?
    Or … or … or …

    I mean, they’re all COOL … right?

  5. I also let dead brain morons know about the Che they so revere. I always ask for their phone (and believe it or not usually get it), pull up quotes by Che and quote him, especially his quotes about blacks. Then I tell them it “kinda makes you a racist, doesn’t it?” The look is always priceless.

    I also let them know that he cried on his knees pleading for his life, crying like a bitch just before the Bolivians put a cap in his a$$–wasn’t such a tough guy then.

  6. Oy, he’s popular because the photo makes him look like a charismatic figure.
    His picture alone, nothing to do with him other than some bleary stoner rationalization about the coolness of having contrary opinions

  7. read Humberto Fontova’s book on Che Guevara. It’s the definitive history of this genocidal murderer.

    FACT: the Castro brothers got tired of Guevara, they told him to go to Bolivia and start a revolution there. But the Bolivians weren’t having it. Guevara was sucha fuckup that he got his tiny band of followers lost, wandering the hills of Bolivia tio the point of starvation. Then they began robbing farms for food. That really pissed off the locals and they eagerly told the policia where Guevara was. At the end, Guevara tearfully tried to bribe his way out of trouble. When the policia told him “chinga tu madre” he cried, shit his pants and begged them to say he died heroically.

    The CIA intelligence officer who was attached to the policia still wears the rolex he took off Guevaras cooling corpse

  8. Here’s the list from the article along with why trying to explain it to your average progressive is a complete waste of time. (See also IQ chart- Bell Curve)

    1.) He ordered hundreds of executions without trials.
    No problem. Progressives thinks that’s wonderful. They hate trials and they are fine with mass executions and will be until someone comes to haul THEM away. See college campus sex tribunals.

    2.) He openly despised the United States.

    So do they

    3.) Hatred and mass murder were at the heart of his revolution.

    It’s at the heart of theirs as well. Take a look at Ferguson, and Baltimore and then check out social media to see what they would like to do if they could get away with it.

  9. Part III 5.) He enacted a prison system much like that of Soviet Russia. They would love to do that too. In the name of social justice and global warming and diversity. See College Campuses and Social Media. The truth is the progressives don’t love Che because they don’t understand who/what he was.They love him precisely because they DO understand EXACTLY WHO/WHAT he was. And completely agree with every bit of it.

  10. Uncle Al,
    I think sweasel would get a better (pissed off) reaction to his Che Bern design if he either put the beret-and-star on ol’ Bernie, or beret-and-bullet hole, with blood trickling down ol’ Bernie’s forehead (take off on the skeleton Che).

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