5 Ways Trump’s New National Security Strategy Is A Rejection Of Obama’s – IOTW Report

5 Ways Trump’s New National Security Strategy Is A Rejection Of Obama’s

Daily Caller: President Donald Trump’s new national security strategy is set to be released on Monday.

A copy of the document obtained by The Daily Caller reveals a stark contrast between President Trump’s America First National Security Strategy and former President Barack Obama’s most recent national security strategy in 2015.

Renewed Focus On Islamist Terrorism

Trump’s new national security strategy places an emphasis on stopping Islamist terrorism and calls it out by name. Obama’s 2015 national security strategy referred to Islam just twice: once because it’s part of ISIS’ name and once to say the administration rejected “the lie that America and its allies are at war with Islam.”

The new national security strategy explicitly links Islamist ideology to jihadist terrorism.

“The United States continues to wage a long war against jihadist terrorist groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda. These groups are linked by a common radical Islamist ideology that encourages violence against the United States and our partners and produces misery for those under their control,” the new strategy states. keep reading

10 Comments on 5 Ways Trump’s New National Security Strategy Is A Rejection Of Obama’s

  1. If it walks, swims and quacks like a duck, then it’s a duck!

    Just the same, if there was no islam, there would be no jihad terrorists.

    But I’m too stupid. I need little Brian Stelter to tell me the ducks are racist or homophobic.

  2. Obama’s National security strategy top 5 steps

    1. Apologize to the world for American exceptionalism.
    2. Make NASA a Muslim outreach program.
    3. Further divide the country and make law enforcement out to be public enemy #1
    4. Have the IRS, FBI, NSA and LGBTQNEXOIU target and destroy anybody right of center.
    5. Invite the masses south of the border to come on over for a freebie festival, all expenses paid.

  3. @Left Coast Dan, at first I thought they were using Common Core math. But then I realized the last one didn’t have a heading. It’s about “Embracing a more competitive view of global economics”.

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