50-48 – Kavanaugh is now a Supreme Court Justice – IOTW Report

50-48 – Kavanaugh is now a Supreme Court Justice

Majority of votes needed YES NO Pres. Not voting
Republicans 49 0 1 1
Democrats 1 48 0 0
Total 50 48 1 1


72 Comments on 50-48 – Kavanaugh is now a Supreme Court Justice

  1. Linda Arsesour, the Muslim defender, on Sen. Collins:

    “She is a disgrace & her legacy will be that she was a traitor to women and marginalized communities. History will not treat her kindly.”

  2. My inclination is that he will be as strict a constructionist as his interpretation of the Constitution will allow. This is what has the kook left in a panic. It would be fair play if he interpreted the Constitution and the law in ways he personally favors, but I don’t think he is someone who would do such.

  3. The screaming leftist female banshees are on CNN right now.

    The key phrase I hear Is “Together”, as in, we will get rid of Republicans and conservatives “Together”. Can’t think for themselves. It is a French Revolution type of unthinking mob full of hatred and anger.

  4. I, too, popped the tab on a “ski” when ABC broke into the Michigan game with the announcement.

    Who’d a thunk that all it would take was the election of President Donald J Trump to cause all the Republicans to finally grow a set?

    Been a while since a man went to Washington.

  5. I gotta say that 2 people that truly made this possible are not my favorites. Graham and Collins. Both stood up and were very vocal and eloquent. Kudos to them. (And I’m still watching you two….)

  6. Sooo … which Republican voted “Present” and which didn’t vote?

    Hopefully we can now rid the body politic of the corrupt parasite McCaskill.

    Oh, I just hope he doesn’t decide to “grow” in office (as so many others have).

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. May i say that the dems really showed their true natures during this process. So hard to believe that states can send such people to D.C. to represent them. They should be embarrassed and ashamed.

    Justice Kavanaugh and his family went through a terrible trial during theae weeks. Surely this fire was meant to strengthen him and prepare him further for the SC.

  8. UNpopular comment: Gotta give Murkowski *a bit* of thanks for being enough of a team player to vote “present” instead of “nay,” thus avoiding the necessity of forcing Daines to fly back from Montana…during which he *easily* could have been Arkancided by the Dems.

  9. TO Just Axin

    WRONG>>>not a coward, a team player. Murkowski COULD HAVE voted “nay,” forcing Daines to fly back from Montana to break the tie (NO, Pence could not, since 50-49 is NOT a “tie”). So, stop emoting like a liberal.

  10. I am thankful at the moment that republicans did not do the usual snatching of defeat from the jaws of victory.

    Now it is up to Kavanaugh to be a proper judge – I hope he is.

  11. Geez, I’ve never brought a six pack home. I only have a beer or two while eating at a restaurant . I may have to make an exception, buy one brew, take it home and savor it while watching the news this evening.

    Kind of fun hearing McConnell thank the Demonrats for uniting the Republicans, Something he said he himself had not been able to figure out how to do.

  12. A couple of Phoenix rose from the ashes, SC Sen. Graham and Maine’s Sen. Collins comported themselves in ways I couldn’t imagine, nor hope for.
    I hope those sitting on the 2018 election fence take note of how Progs treated a “gay” man and a successful woman
    Thank you Senators.
    Justice is done.
    Retired Justice Stevens, shame on you.

  13. To anyone who “hopes” Justice Kavanaugh will do a good job: Please honor the man who just went through one of the worst psy-ops the Swamp could serve up. His family — his FAMILY — was threatened with their lives. His good name and a lifetime of doing good and building a stellar reputation were scourged from his bones in a global, public square. He sat alone in a chair at a table and cried out for God to deliver him from his enemies and he did his best to keep his tears from flowing freely as his parents died a thousand deaths to watch their son be excoriated at the hands of demonic people who, in the end, didn’t care one way or the other, but that their hunger and thirst against POTUS Trump be satisfied.

    Will he be a “good” Justice? A lesser man wouldn’t have endured.

  14. FffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffANTASTIC!

    Winning is awesome!!!!

    I like the fact that the BS artist Ford must now always talk in that ridiculous Baby Voice affectation she used in the hearings.

    Anybody check in on RBG lately?

    Congratulations, Justice Kavanaugh and President Trump!

  15. A good day. A very good day for conservatives and our great President Trump. God bless him.
    Kavanagh will be a brilliant judge.
    Praying after all he’s been though, Justices Scalia and Thomas will be his new role models instead of Justice Kennedy. Yes, I “hope” this. Please try to resist meeting me with pitchforks – just being honest. Yes, I know another conservative judge will be appointed after Ginsberg kicks, so no lectures please – not a nevertrumper stooge. Hellary is still not president -Thank God- and any judge she selected would have destroyed this nation. So, Congratulations to Justice Kavanagh. A good man victorious over the Deep Stat cabal.

  16. If their were any true blooded Democrats really upset we’d be seeing them jumping in unison, into the ocean and off of very tall buildings. But I haven’t heard of a single case, so they can’t really be all that upset… so they’ve just been faking it all along.

  17. Heck yeah!!! This is why you’re an idiot if you sat at home and didn’t vote for Trump. If Hillary is president right now you have Scalia and Kennedy replaced by hardcore liberals. Screw David French, Erick Erickson, Ben Shapiro, Glenn Beck and all the other “geniuses”. We have the most conservative President since Calvin Coolidge in office right now..no thanks to the experts. God Bless America!

  18. Perry October 6, 2018 at 9:04 pm

    Democrats are always upset (like soyboys), that’s the way they roll. Cartoonist Thomas Nast in the 19th century gave us the elephant and donkey images, because elephants are strong and steady and donkeys are always upset and kicking up a fuss.


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