50 Years Ago, The Whole World Watched The Democrats Come Unglued – IOTW Report

50 Years Ago, The Whole World Watched The Democrats Come Unglued

From August 26-29, 1968 the democrats held their national convention in Chicago to choose their presidential candidate. Things on the streets of Chi-town got out of hand as a  massive unauthorized protest against the Viet Nam war were met by Mayor Daly’s baton swinging police. The delegates nominated Hubert Humphrey, LBJ’s vice president, on the first ballot, despite that fact that Humphrey never won a single state primary.

The rampaging in the streets only served to solidify in the minds of average voters that the nation needed more “law and order.” And law and order is not really much of a plank in the left’s platform.

Sound familiar?


9 Comments on 50 Years Ago, The Whole World Watched The Democrats Come Unglued

  1. remember it well … Abbie Hoffman & the Chicago 8 … Bobbie Seal being chained to his chair in court … the Chicago PD whoopin’ ass to maintain order

    .. actually read ‘Steal This Book’ by Hoffman & thought, although totally flawed, a hilarious, capitalist enterprise.

    but, life happened while I was doing other things (to paraphrase John Lennon) … & I grew up

  2. This is video of Daley’s so-called misstatement.
    He meant every word he said, in the order he said it.
    That quote is one of my favorite lines. I was living in Chicago back then, and I remember my parents talking about it. Shoot to kill, referring to looters and arsonists, was another of his famous sayings.


    My buddies and I took the bus downtown during the days of the convention riots.
    We were out of there by the time it get violent.
    The air was thick, I can still bring it up in my memory, with tension.
    thousands of people in Grant Park, station wagons with red crosses in windows, everyone knew what was coming.
    Peace. Ha.


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