51 people shot over Memorial Day weekend in Chicago, the most violent in five years – IOTW Report

51 people shot over Memorial Day weekend in Chicago, the most violent in five years

CST: About half of those shot were on the West Side, most of them in a single police district where there were two mass shootings. At least 23 people were shot on the South Side and four downtown. more

15 Comments on 51 people shot over Memorial Day weekend in Chicago, the most violent in five years

  1. Brad
    JUNE 1, 2022 AT 12:34 PM
    “It was reported that the streets were littered with lungs. Some still breathing.”

    …if you hold the gun sideways, can it blow DIFFERENT intact organs completely out? Could be used for quick surgery if so, assuming they can be blown back IN later…

  2. It is only ‘the element’ killing one another after all. The nine blowing lungs out seems real to me… derp… double deuce shorty be real safe and all. I was in a gun store making a deal with the proprietor, a friend. In walks a young, dubious looking person… like ‘the element’… if ya catch my meaning. He tosses a pistol cartridge on the counter and says ‘I need some of these’. The proprietor picked up the cartridge and held it in his closed hand, asking ‘what caliber do you need?’ The dubious young person said ‘I need some of those’ nodding at prop’s hand. Prop asks ‘well, what are they?’, dubious gets a concentrated look on his face and asks ‘you gonna sell me some?’, prop waits a beat or two and says ‘No, now why don’t you get the hell out of here?’ dubious goes flat eye and asks ‘you gonna give me that back?’ prop snorts, says no, not gonna, you need to go. Dubious leaves. Turns out it was a nine mm so prop saved someone’s lung or something.

  3. hard to shoot straight while your are: obama-phoning, holding up saggy pants, maintaining the ghetto gun-position (sideways). could be even worse. the dindu-dwarf & the chief badge-puppet said it’s getting better.

  4. They should make shooting each other illegal.

    What’s black and red and you laugh every time you see it?
    A Chicago weekend!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. 8 out 10 victims are black, give or take. Too bad we can’t let ’em bleed out, get those numbers up. It must cost the Chicago taxpayers millions to get these studs back up to a fighting level

  6. The wanna-be tourists are warned and alerted to STAY OUT of NYC, Chicago, and LA for your and family’s safety and well-being from high violent crime and murder.

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