Man Shot by Police Draws Protests, Then His Victim Shows Up – IOTW Report

Man Shot by Police Draws Protests, Then His Victim Shows Up

Red State-

The recent police shooting of Andrew Tekle Sundberg drew protests on Saturday in Minneapolis. Demonstrators gathered outside the apartment where MPD shot and killed the man after he first opened fire inside the building.

A six-hour stand-off ensued after that initial bout of aggression, with roof-top snipers eventually killing Sundberg. Details of what prompted the officers to shoot haven’t been released yet, but that information is expected to be released.

Per CBS News, the case is being investigated by the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension in Minnesota.

People gathered outside the Minneapolis apartment Saturday where 20-year-old Andrew ‘Tekle’ Sundberg was shot and killed by Minneapolis police. Demonstrators joined family members as they demanded more answers from law enforcement.

Two Minneapolis police snipers shot and killed Sundberg Thursday morning following a 6-hour long standoff.

The BCA, the top law enforcement agency in the state, is investigating the deadly use of police force. It still remains unclear what exactly prompted the officers to shoot.

According to investigators, Sundberg fired multiple gunshots inside the Seward neighborhood apartment building Wednesday night, and a neighbor, Arabella Yarbrough, called 911 saying a bullet went through her wall.

But while protesters gathered to march in Sundberg’s name, something unexpected happened: His victim showed up to confront them. In a tense, emotional scene, Arabella Foss-Yarbrough shared her story of being shot at by Sundberg as she sought to protect her children. What followed was disgusting, as protesters demeaned her and tried to dismiss her concerns.


25 Comments on Man Shot by Police Draws Protests, Then His Victim Shows Up

  1. They’re so consumed with hate they don’t care if what they protest is right or wrong. Anything to get out on the streets and cause mayhem and destruction is the new pastime.

  2. Malcolm X said: “The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.”

  3. @Doc – the sad truth is that today’s black culture will never solve it’s own problems unless and until they embrace the conservative white attitude. DJT was a testament to that.

    Their roots are Godless tribalism, and that was what Jesus came into this world to conquer. Love your neighbor, and your enemy, as you love yourself. That concept is the antithesis to tribalism.

  4. “the sad truth is that today’s black culture will never solve it’s own problems unless and until they embrace the conservative white attitude.”

    It’s even simpler than that. The Democrats have purposefully and with great effect kept the black community impoverished and beholden.

    Dinesh points this out beautifully in 3 minutes;

    A desire to better your station in life and prosper is not a white attitude, it is an American attitude. Those people in the inner cities just need a chance.

  5. Let me think. Jackoff had a gun and fired multiple shots, endangering the public. In my mind that is probable cause and he should have been removed from the gene pool.

    Guessing that in today’s world, that will be a reason to riot.


  6. Dear shit-weasels, when you endanger the public, we call the police to “stop” you. We don’t really care if you stop peacefully, or rest-in-peacefully, but that you stop. I’d buy chance you “family members” really cared, you’d reel in their own crazy bastards before they escalate to behaviour that results in our having to call the police.

  7. From the article:
    “ It still remains unclear what exactly prompted the officers to shoot.”

    Then in the next paragraph is what is called “a clue”:

    “According to investigators, Sundberg fired multiple gunshots inside the Seward neighborhood apartment building…”

  8. “…A desire to better your station in life and prosper is not a white attitude, it is an American attitude. Those people in the inner cities just need a chance…”

    Sorry Rich, your statement may tug at the heart strings, but the fact remains that today’s black culture wants to be separate and unique from white culture (attitude, whatever). They have a chance. They just choose to embrace their blackness. Now granted, they are being lead by false black prophets who have sold their people out for their own personal profit, but by and large, the black population does not want to integrate and melt into the melting pot. They need a great awakening – and I don’t the violent anti-white revolt kind. Look at South Africa to see how well that works. Look to any black controlled US city or foreign country to see how well their tribalism works.

  9. stirrin/Rich

    Hey, did you guys watch the actual video? Very few black people involved. This is why I hate people. Most of them are to stupid to survive on their own.

  10. “the black population does not want to integrate and melt into the melting pot”

    That’s not what I was proposing. Sure, black tribalism is as divisive as any other, but my approach is more economic.

    This might be pollyanna (hope not) but I think any black father wants the same thing as any white father; the ability to provide for his family and keep them safe. Similarly, the black mother wants her kids to get a good education and reach their own potential to better their own life. Right now the Democrat plantations in the inner cities provide neither.

    It is easy to say that they get the neighborhood they deserve but there is no denying that misery and despair plague the inner cities, they deserve better. Safer neighborhoods, more secure nuclear families, and an educational system that better prepares the students for gainful employment make everyone’s life better and make our society better.

    But, yes, I always hold out for the possibility that this is all pie in the sky, unobtainable, and counter to what black folks want. How sad if this is the case.

  11. Rich

    I got a shit load of acquaintances, a handful of friends. My close personal friends consist of a couple black guys, a Filipino, two Cuban Brothers, and a coupe white guys. One of the white guys was an army ranger. That’s all bad. Because his dad was a Chief in the Navy. You know, Navy Seal Chief. On top of that all his freaken cousins basically any male in his family went thru Buds. Cept him. Reason. He hates cold water. I can relate. Seriously a couple years back he had a brain tumor and my wife and I filled in when his family couldn’t. I got cancer a couple years later and he was a permanent. fixture. Pals.
    I don’t care about the rest.

  12. “6 hour long stand-off”. You would think by these “protesters” the cops came an immediately executed the guy.
    They did all they could to NOT kill the guy.

  13. In the 1990’s and into the 2000’s we were almost there. Blacks in America were standing solidly on the threshold of a complete breakthrough and claiming their place in the sun; working shoulder to shoulder and on the basis of individual merit. *This* was the example to their people, and what was fast becoming reality: that it’s not only “okay” but that it is, indeed, ultimate freedom to be successful in the old-fashioned, American Way — through hard work, sacrifice, and diligence. Those so-called “Civil Rights” dinosaurs were on their way out. Then along came O’Blowme and his community organizers, and all those honest and genuine gains evaporated. Now they have the Fake-it-’til-you-make-it plan for blacks.

  14. (sigh)

    Foreign invader babies.

    Being killed by “No way! I’m pickin’ my cotton! (And it’s mine!” babies.

    Being meat shielded by Boomers (of many ages).


  15. LBJ famously told a group of senators after the Civil Rights Bill was signed in the 60’s that he’d “have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years”. He and the democrats have destroyed the black community and are now working to destroy everyone else by crushing the middle class in America.


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