Cracker Barrel Introduces Fauxsage – IOTW Report

Cracker Barrel Introduces Fauxsage

Cracker Barrel’s advertisement seemed innocent enough. In a social media post, the restaurant encouraged customers to “discover new meat frontiers” – plant-based meat. One of the faux-sausage rounds has a little “Impossible” flag put in the center.

Some critics have accused Cracker Barrel of straying into the politically correct “woke” area.

Unless they take real meat off the menu, who cares if they offer faux meat?

– “Oh Noes… the Cracker Barrel has gone WOKE!!!”

– “A previously outstanding Tennessee corporation has suddenly lost my respect.”

-“Wrong decision. Make sure you do your homework.”

– “If I wanted a salad, I would order a salad. Stop with the plant-based’meat’ nonsense.”

One user thanked the chain for “knowing the direction the world is headed.”

-“Imagine becoming outraged because a restaurant offers a menu option,” another individual said.

What say you guys?

27 Comments on Cracker Barrel Introduces Fauxsage

  1. That shit contains more chemicals than plants.
    How they can call it “plant based” is beyond me.
    Also, they should not be allowed to use the word ‘meat’, when it is in no way a meat (flesh) product.

  2. 1. Meat is plant based.
    2. Ya gotta let C/B serve whatever will bring in the bucks; they’re still serving chicken fried … whatever. You don’t have to order anything IMPOSSIBLE.

  3. Meh. Their restaurants are filthy and their service sucks. It doesn’t really matter what they put on their inadequately washed plates to me because I won’t be eating off them anyway.

    Although the food samples stuck to every menu are a nice touch…

  4. Cracker Barrel-Tennessee corporation.
    Cracker Barrel – Fake Meat purveyor
    Al Gore – Tennessee ex Senator
    Al Gore – Fake meat promoter/investor

    There just has to be a connection somewhere, I just can’t figure it out.

  5. Sorry to disagree, but I love Cracker Barrel.
    If they have customers that will eat that stuff, they are in the business of catering to their customers.
    No skin off my nose.
    I won’t eat it, so I don’t care.
    There are lots of things people sell I’m not interested in. Live and let live.

  6. 10% plant, 90% chemical. If this is what people want then stay at home and buy a case of Morning Star farms snausages at Costco for the price of one Cracker Barrel meal.

    The closest Cracker Barrel is clean and the servers are all very good to excellent. The problem is their crappy corporate has down-sized the menu. I liked their grilled haddock – gone. Fried chicken livers – gone and i won’t make them at home. Some of the best breakfasts – gone. I have ranted at them via e-mail and all I get is a form letter with no substance.

    The spicy catfish is good and the portions have been downsized.
    We rarely go any more especially now they are running out of items early in the evening..

  7. They are way late to the game. Burger King, McDonalds and a host of other fast food restaurants have added plant based meats like Beyond Burger and they are all removing them from their menus due to low sales. And the stocks of the plant meat companies are getting hit as they revise revenue downward. Good luck on pushing the bug burgers when people can’t even stomach the ultra processed fake plant junk.

  8. I made some turkey bacon for my dad a few years ago when I was my parent’s caregiver thinking that it might be good for him. It wasn’t and he unceremoniously told me to never buy turkey bacon ever again and buy real bacon. He was 88 at the time so real bacon wasn’t going to kill him or my mom. I learned my lesson about fake meat from that.

  9. Why not sell that crap food to school districts that still follow Michelle’s Obama’s lunch program for the kiddies. It will end up in the garbage where it belongs. I know some vegans who wouldn’t get near the stuff.

  10. @geoff the aardvark: My mother lived to be 98 (she passed away last October). My mother was raised on a farm in Tennessee. She ate her fair share of hog fat, beans and corn bread. She had 13 siblings, and they all lived well into their 80’s and 90’s. There was nothing back in those days called fake meat, you were lucky to have something on the table to eat.

  11. There’s a correlation between eating hearty foods and burning it off through work, which keeps you healthy; vs eating junk food & sitting on your ass, which does not.


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