550-Year-Old Boys Choir Wins Discrimination Case – IOTW Report

550-Year-Old Boys Choir Wins Discrimination Case

The State and Cathedral Choir is a 554-year-old German tradition that has always had boys. Recently a 9-year-old girl tried out for the choir but was rejected on artistic grounds. The girls mother’s sued for discrimination.

“A Berlin court on Friday ruled that the city’s renowned all-boys State and Cathedral Choir had not been sexist when it rejected a 9-year-old girl’s application.

“The acoustic pattern of a choir is part of its artistic freedom,” the presiding judge said. The court also found sufficient evidence of a “boys’ choir sound.”

The choir insisted the rejection was “not predominantly about her gender” and that she would have been successful had her voice “matched the desired sound characteristics of a boys choir.”  More

8 Comments on 550-Year-Old Boys Choir Wins Discrimination Case

  1. So girls have to become nuns in order to be in a Catholic church choir? An unpleasant truth, boys are different than girls and usually remain so all their lives. Many can be physically enticed into the priesthood if in a Catholic environment, beginning at a very young age. Being in a choir is a status position for a young boy and his family.

    More Victims Counted In Mass Abuse Of Catholic Choir Boys In Germany
    By Amy Nordrum
    01/09/16 AT 4:39 PM
    “The famous group of boys and young men is more than 1,000 years old. Its members sing at the Regensburg Cathedral each Sunday and also perform elsewhere around the world.”


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