IOTW Report

Alicia Keys-

Wiki — Alicia Augello Cook (born January 25, 1981),[3][4][5][6][7] known professionally as Alicia Keys, is an American singer and songwriter. A classically trained pianist, Keys started composing songs when she was 12 and was signed at 15 years old by Columbia Records. After disputes with the label, she signed with Arista Records and soon released her debut album, Songs in A Minor with J Records in 2001. The album became a critical and commercial success, selling over 12 million copies worldwide. It contained the Billboard Hot 100 number-one single “Fallin’“, and earned Keys an unprecedented five Grammy Awards in 2002. Her second album, The Diary of Alicia Keys (2003), was also a critical and commercial success, selling eight million copies worldwide and spawning the singles “You Don’t Know My Name“, “If I Ain’t Got You“, and “Diary“.[8] The album garnered her an additional four Grammy Awards.[9]

In 2004, her duet with singer Usher titled “My Boo” became her second number-one single. Keys released her first live album, Unplugged (2005), and became the first woman to have an MTV Unplugged album debut at number one. Her third album, As I Am (2007), sold seven million copies worldwide and produced the Hot 100 number-one single “No One“. In 2007, Keys made her film debut in the action-thriller film Smokin’ Aces and performed the theme song to the James Bond film Quantum of Solace, with the single “Another Way to Die” (with Jack White) a year later. Her fourth album, The Element of Freedom (2009), became her first chart-topping album in the United Kingdom, and sold four million copies worldwide. The album included the hit singles “Doesn’t Mean Anything“, “Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart“, “Un-Thinkable (I’m Ready)“. Keys’s collaboration with Jay-Z on his 2009 single “Empire State of Mind“, became her fourth number-one single in the United States. Her fifth album Girl on Fire (2012), became her fourth non-consecutive Billboard 200 topping album, and included the successful title track, while her sixth studio album, Here (2016), peaked at number 2. Her seventh and eighth studio albums, Alicia (2020) and Keys (2021), spawned the singles “Show Me Love” (featuring Miguel), “Underdog“, “Lala” and “Best of Me“. In 2022, she released her ninth studio album Santa Baby, which was also her first independent album.

Keys has sold over 90 million records worldwide, making her one of the world’s best-selling music artists. She was named by Billboard as the R&B/Hip-Hop Artist of the Decade (2000s);[10] and placed tenth on their list of Top 50 R&B/Hip-Hop Artists of the Past 25 Years. She has received numerous accolades in her career, including 15 Grammy Awards, 17 NAACP Image Awards, 12 ASCAP Awards, and an award from the Songwriters Hall of Fame and National Music Publishers AssociationVH1 included her on their 100 Greatest Artists of All Time and 100 Greatest Women in Music lists, while Time has named her in their 100 list of most influential people in 2005 and 2017. Keys is also acclaimed for her humanitarian work, philanthropy, and activism, e.g. being awarded Ambassador of Conscience by Amnesty International.


Just because you don’t know who the person is doesn’t mean they don’t have extreme influence in a sphere you are unfamiliar with.

“Why should I care what they think?” is the type of response that has contributed to where we are culturally, morally, and politically.

I wince very hard when readers make a comment like that. In fact, a little of me dies inside and makes me wonder if our fight can ever be won.

63 Comments on

  1. ““Why should I care what they think?” is the type of response that has contributed to where we are now culturally, morally, and politically.”

    When I read “Who Cares” I think why is that person even here?

  2. I’m almost certain 90 percent of these entertainers that jumped in behind Hamas did so because they figured it would be the cool thing to do. They never saw the teenage girl that was basically raped to death being paraded around basically naked in the back of a pick up truck like some sort of trophy. These people live in their own echo chamber and this time they were dead wrong

  3. It’s not an uncommon comment. And I understand where it comes from, It’s an attempt to dismiss them as non-consequential, irrelevant, etc.

    But it dissuades a content producer from posting. It causes second-guessing. In short, it gives “influencers” a free pass to say and do what they want with no repercussions.

    If an Alicia Keys can be taken down for being exposed as a Hamas sympathizer, THAT IS OUR JOB! It will dissuade others from turning the culture into Hamas supporters.

    Please don’t make comments like that any longer, people. It’s counter-productive.

    If you truly don’t know who it is and don’t care, don’t say anything.
    Don’t make me feel like a jackass for posting it, because I will stop posting.

    Instead of dissuading Alicia Keys and her ilk, you’re dissuading me.

  4. “…makes me wonder if our fight can ever be won.”


    Only HE can win.

    Ephesians 6:12

    For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    Daniel 11:36

    And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.

    Revelation 13:7-8

    7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

    8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

    There is no victory except in the Lord.

    But it’s a good sign, this falling away, as it has to happen before the Lord returns, so take heart, and trust in Him.

    2 Thessalonians 2:1-3

    1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

    2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

    3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

  5. But you’re not wasting your time calling evil out. It is the duty of every man to do so.

    Ephesians 5:11

    And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

    And you’re time is being spent doing His work by doing so, as He commands in Luke;

    Luke 19:13

    And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.

    There is no shame being a lone voice against evil.

    John 1:23

    He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.

    Carry on calling it out as you see it. Not everyone can receive but some do.

  6. Every time I see a “never heard of them” or “who cares” comment I also cringe.
    Even though I may have never heard of them either.
    These assholes have power and use it for evil dissuasion.

    Hell, assholes on OUR side go after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for focusing on “the culture war.”
    It’s a war that WE MUST FIGHT!

    Another issue I have is with the recent obituaries where the very recently deceased gets dumped all over.
    Hell Bob Barker & Jimmy Buffett got dumped on by assholes here as if they live perfect lives.
    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about evil democrats and leftists.
    When Jimmy Carter drops dead by December I will join the chorus…

  7. I apologize if my prior comment caused upset within the IOTW community. It was not my intent. Ever.
    TO me, it’s a case of information overload.
    I already have so much on my plate, and I have no more room to care about what a far-away (i.e., not local in my neighborhood) entertainer says, does, or wears.
    I’m weary with what I have to deal with already.
    The best I can do is to NOT send them any of my money by NOT buying any of their products or attending any of their movies (etc).

  8. If you support Hammas you should be arrested, kitted out, and sent Directly to the war zone to help them with their cause in meaningful way instead of just flapping you ignorant and uninformed gums.

  9. I am not calling anyone out by name, nor am I mad at anyone. I just have to vent on that particular type of comment from time to time.
    Like I said, I know the intent is not ill will. But the impact is greater on our side than it is on the other.
    And I don’t want that to be the case.

    An argument can be made for being dismissive, I just happen to believe it is incorrect.

  10. I think it depends on what it is that we are caring for. I don’t give two sheets about people intentionally injecting themselves with a vaccine that’s been shown to kill. Does anyone know why Alicia Keyes sides with the muzzies? Cuz her husband is a muzzie! Kasseem Daoud Dean (born September 13, 1978), known professionally as Swizz Beatz, is an American record producer, rapper, disc jockey (DJ) and songwriter. Born and raised in the Bronx borough of New York City.

    12 Rappers You Didn’t Know Were Muslim

    I always try to connect the dots and dig down for real reasons why people “care” the way that they do.

  11. I think she was trying to be coy and appeal to fellow travelers and it blew up in her face like a homicide vest.

    The timing about talking about paragliding is ridiculous. That’s like posting after the Hindenburg disaster that you were thinking of starting a hydrogen factory. Or you’re thinking of taking a Zeppelin siight-seeing trip.

  12. A much more charitable view of,”I don’t care” can easily be extrapolated to,” I don’t care because I do not value a pop singer’s opinion on geopolitics. I don’t care because Hollywood is made up of shallow people who require the affection and approbation of the public in order to make a living. I don’t care because our society is filled with misguided, un-informed and rather mean people, and caring what they all say and how they feel is not productive to my time management or my emotional well-being”. Granted, it may be a clumsy method of separating ourselves from “those people”, making a distinction between our values and theirs. A more polite method might be ,”I don’t care and here is why”.

    “If an Alicia Keys can be taken down for being exposed as a Hamas sympathizer, THAT IS OUR JOB! It will dissuade others from turning the culture into Hamas supporters.”

    A Herculean task considering that there exists a large swath of our society that has denied the entire attack, saying the Jews are all lying, nobody died, nobody was raped, and those images of dead beheaded babies are all computer generated (Fake). Influencers with larger amounts of followers than Keys are spreading this nonsense.

    One more thing, why do we always assume the worst possible motive when it comes to the comments of others? Here is her response just yesterday;

    “The post I shared was COMPLETELY unrelated in any way to the recent devastating loss of innocent lives. My heart has been breaking…. I pray for and stand for peace,” she wrote on Instagram later in the day.

    All the Hamas apologists and sympathizers that I’ve seen don’t split hairs, don’t equivocate or dance around the issue, they come flat out with their hatred of The Jews and proudly stand on that hill.

  13. What I don’t get is how these ignorant, virtue signaling celebs, who wrap themselves in LGBTQ flags with their support, square it by also supporting savage fucks that would toss those queers off the nearest ledge.
    Make it make sense?

    This CUNT knew EXACTLY what she was doing…

  14. Maybe you are unaware, but Hamas sympathizers have been calling for a cease fire.

    Also, Keys does not say she is crying over Jewish lives. She says “innocent lives.”
    She could fully well mean the lives of Palestinians.
    I see no condemnation of Hamas in anything she has written.

    And your explanations above IE: “I do not value a pop singer’s opinion on geopolitics” is not getting at the core of why we isolate and condemn and ridicule. These pop singers HAVE AN INFLUENCE on people. Because someone personally does not value the opinion means nothing. It’s a tad egotistical to think what you think about someone should end the discussion.

  15. Since “paragliding” is such an obscure activity and bizarre reference, a better analogy would be to write in December of 1941 that “Pearl Harbor is beautiful this time of year.”
    Or perhaps writing in late November of 1963 that “driving through Dealey Plaza is so invigorating.”

  16. “This CUNT knew EXACTLY what she was doing…”

    Probably correct but I see celebrities like Gigi Hadid, Justin Beiber (?), Mark Ruffalo, Mia Khalifa, Selena Gomes, and Roger Waters making no pretenses or apologies in their unwavering support for the Palestinians (dog whistle for Hamas).

    “These pop singers HAVE AN INFLUENCE on people.”

    And if she wanted to influence her followers and align them more towards her way of thinking (which she still did not come right out and say BTW), why all the silly pretenses? She could have waved that flag like many of her contemporaries and categorically declared her allegiance.

    “Because You personally do not value the opinion means nothing”

    Sure it does, it means something to me and this is after all a site where people can share opinions, right? And nobody is advocating shutting down any discussion, not sure where you got that. I do not value the financial advice offered by my plumber since no foundation of knowledge and expertise has been provided, ditto with a pop singer on geo-political issues.

    You said you wanted to expose her, well,

  17. Yea, well, you may not be influenced by her, but she has 27.1 Million fans on IG alone that would love to find out what deodorant she uses so they could use it too. Wake up.

  18. ^^^ So when she IG’s her 27.1 million followers ,” I pray for and stand for peace”, this is all a Boris Badenov head fake, a secret coded message to rise up and kill all the Jews, got it.

  19. Why are trying to defend this POS so hard? And by the way, it’s not just her. These people are out of touch with the rest of us. Well, maybe with the exception of you. I’m with Loco on this one. Bitch knew exactly what she was doing. She just got called out that’s all.

  20. Boy did her manager ever bacr up! I call BS! From Rich Taylor’s instagram linr above: guyoseary’s profile picture
    There’s talk of an antisemitic post that my dear friend Alicia Keys had up on her instagram.
    I can confirm to anyone in my ✡️ community that needs to hear it: it’s NOT true.
    There was a specific word in her post that our community at this very painful time find very triggering, but it was absolutely not connected in any way.
    I spoke to Alicia and she was horrified to learn what the word implied and immediately took it down.
    Alicia has always been a fighter for all human rights. I’ve had a front row seat for over a decade of seeing her positive influence in the world. Her humanitarian work reflects her empathy and her heart.

  21. “Why are trying to defend this POS so hard?”

    Because I hold out the possibility, not the certainty, that her Jewish manager knows her better than you do, and just maybe, this post was inadvertent.

    “These people are out of touch with the rest of us.”

    Which is EXACTLY what I typed above, I sure hope you gave me a thumbs up 🙂

  22. “Because I hold out the possibility, not the certainty, that her Jewish manager knows her better than you do”

    How much money do you suppose Alicia Keys manager makes? I bet it’s some serous coin. What do ya think? No influence there.

  23. All she needs to say is that the elected government of the Palestinians called Hamas murdered innocent Israeli’s and beheaded/burned alive Israeli babies because they are sub-human…..Then she can spit out her ” give peace a chance bull shit”….Then she can take on the Hezbollah, the Iranians and the religion of Islam….She can’t and won’t….

  24. ^^^ Clarification, Israeli American Guy Oseary is Keys’s ex-manager, so he has no current financial stake in her career.

    From the Hollywood Reporter;

    “Keys and her husband the music producer Swizz Beatz live in the La Jolla neighborhood of San Diego, a popular area for paragliding. The La Jolla neighborhood is also less than a 15-minute journey from the Torrey Pines Gliderport. Keys also spoke about paragliders using the area around her house, and how she wanted to try it, in a December 2021 appearance on The Breakfast Club.”

  25. Wow, so both Brad and Joe6 are accusing (which I gloriously shot down) a Jew of putting his financial interest above that of his homeland. What’s that old bigoted saying about Jews and their money? tsk tsk.

  26. “Which is beside the point.”

    Not really. You posited the notion that his defense was predicated on his avarice, and not genuine feelings for someone that he knew for over a decade, and I was just pointing out that his defense had nothing to do with a paycheck.

    “What’s her name is a jackass!”

    Which is the general consensus here, fine, but I wonder why everytime I post something that MIGHT mitigate that incendianary post, such acrobatics result, disconunting the credibility of the claim, and attaching the absolute worst intentions, like what you did, saying his financial well-being is tied to her success so naturally he would lie for her.

  27. You misidentified his role not me. And the ex manager knows damn well if you want any high profile clients he better be seen publicly supporting both his current clients as well as his past clients.

  28. OK, so you are sticking with that Cunard, that his IG post was motivated strictly for financial gain and in no way reflects a side of her that he witnessed for 10 years, good to know.

  29. If you Google GUY OSEARY, her ex-manager, you can see all of his X and IG posts defending Israel, within the Hollywood community. With all his public condemnations of Hamas and this attack, do you really think he would embrace Keys and defend her publicly, knowing she was a Hamas sympathizer?

  30. “Wow, so both Brad and Joe6 are accusing (which I gloriously shot down) a Jew of putting his financial interest above that of his homeland”

    If you say so yourself huh? LOL. As you get older and mature a little Rich you’ll find there’s bad apples in ever category or sub category you run across. And that poor girl that was raped and murdered was German. Not even Israeli. I’m not sure that has anything to do with people trying to defend a bunch of sub human murders but we might as well add that into the equation. I’m a hell of a lot more Pro American than I am Pro Israeli. Now, go ahead and tell me it was just a few bad apples from Hamas that did this.

  31. Rich, I think you are being naïve.
    People have ulterior motives and many aren’t brave enough to call others out.
    His time with her may have never showed the dark side.

    Anyway who cares what anyone around her or knows her says?
    At this point the ball is in HER COURT to either come clean that she indeed was supporting terrorists or come up with a plausible excuse as to mentioning paragliding.

  32. “Rich, I think you are being naïve.”

    I always hold out that possibility, and that I could be wrong, but Oseary does not strike me as,” aren’t brave enough to call others out”.

    As for the paragliding reference, did you read my Hollywood Reporter link? It does mention a prior post of hers that mentions paragliding, it might not satisfy you though.

    I entered this thread for two reasons. I’m a big believer in Hanlon’s Razor, and this coupled with people’s proclivities for assuming the worst possible intentions where a more charitable view may reveal things not so sinister. The other, whenever consensus is reached so quickly, I’m always thinking of the counterargument, just to make things interesting.

  33. Rich, I did not read the HR link.
    BTW, I’m fine with you offering a counterargument.
    I’d be pretty hypocritical not to.
    I do it all the time here and get push-back as well.

    Thing is, SHE needs to get out in front of this with facts ASAP.
    It really does appear to be what Fur said:
    “I think she was trying to be coy and appeal to fellow travelers and it blew up in her face like a homicide vest.”

    I have an open mind but DAMN, she needs to step up and clear this up.
    Or not? She has a certain amount of shielding so this will likely “blow away.”

    I suppose the real question is where the hell is Taylor Swift?

  34. It’s always all about the money. If the celeb sees the slightest push back, they immediately come out with something to CYA, and that’s what the manager did. That’s what she’s paid to do. Just remember, Key’s is married to a muzzie.

  35. So Rich
    You come here to pick the opposite side of the argument no matter what your beliefs are. I actually recognized that long ago. That’s not why the overwhelming majority of people come here. Including myself. And also why you always have the weaker argument. That actually pisses me off. Like I’ve always said, you’re disingenuous.

  36. Brad, you are so stupid, it is painful to even read. Nothing in that above Kamala-salad I said, not even close.

    And what really pisses you off is that I have embarrassed you so many times here. I have exposed you as a lair, and someone not very bright, hence you totally whiffing the above comment.

    Look, I’ve said it before and bears repeating. I take no pleasure in bitch-slapping you every time. I would prefer you just not comment on my comments and I will give you the same courtesy. How about that, Sparky? Let’s make the peace and just avoid each other from now on?

  37. Brad, I will give you the last word and will not respond to anything you write from here on.

    Although what Loco writes is the closest to that voice in my head, the one difference between us is that he takes such glee in humiliating you, and he is so damn good at it. I always leave after our contentious exchanges feeling bad, like I allowed you to bring me down to your guttural level. No more.

  38. I’m happy that this lead to discussion, but it was derailed from its original intent. This post is addressing the “who cares what they think?” — a very, very bad comment, in my opinion.
    One should care what a successful and popular singer with many followers may or may not have intended to say. Whether you think she is in the clear or not, it doesn’t mitigate the “I don’t care what she thinks” comment.

    It reminds me of when Joe the Plumber got Obama on a rope line to say very marxist things, and the narrative became “he’s not a real plumber.”

    That infuriates me. It’s not the point.
    And debating what she may or may not have said is not the point of this post.

    And yes, “who cares what she thinks?” is a narcissistic comment. It implies that the convo shouldn’t even happen.

  39. Even though I don’t think I’ve ever heard a song by her, I still don’t like her for what she said. On the flip side, I really like that iOTW in that some of these discussions go completely sideways. It brings out things that might not come out.

  40. ^^^ You should check out Smoking Aces, you can get it for free at your local library. A fun movie, with a lot of big names, and Keys is pretty good in it.

    Discussions that go completely sideways can be a good thing as long as personalities are left at the door and it is approached from a position that we are all on the same side and want pretty much the same things but offer different solutions.

    Aside from the anon trolls, it is a given how bad things have deteriorated, how divided we are as a nation, and how much our nation is in crisis. A Divine Intervention is in order, but barring that, good people must band together. This site provides that.


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