? – IOTW Report


20 Comments on ?

  1. Gosh I’m old. There’s like me and dirt. I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve ever had an enjoyable time at a bar. Full of stone cold losers that decide it’s their time to prove to you they are physically and mentally superior to you. I don’t miss that shit.

  2. I’m not sure why anyone would go to a bar.

    I played music in a few bars over the years, and they weren’t shithole bars… but they WERE shithole bars if you take my meaning. They are ALL shitholes. Drunks are drunks whether they wear suits or rags.

  3. I go into bars in a Montana with my kids all the time, it’s where we go to eat out. Everybody does. I don’t think I’ve seen kids in a bar after 8:30 or so. I haven’t been in a bar w/o my kids since they were born. The Stockman in Livingston used to have some of the best prime rib and NY steaks in Montana, you have to go through the bar to get to the dining room. It changed hands, I was there last year and the steak was fantastic, the prime rib, I could take it or leave it.

  4. They’re all white so we don’t know. Until the asian comes over and sets the record straight by telling the lady to leave the mother alone. Would have been better if she were black or a tranny looking to expose itself to the baby, but in this instance we have to settle for the asian.

    What? That’s exactly how things operate in Joe Biden’s America.

  5. The lady complaining should keep her mouth shut, but when you get a few drinks under your belt it’s tough for some to keep to themselves – which is why kids should not be close to the bar.

    The mom didn’t seem lit up, so there’s that.

  6. I hope I’m not a hypocrite.

    I can get drunk 7 days a week, but when I’m drunk I want to play Tonk, or throw dice. And laugh the whole time.

    It’s the sober me who wants to hang everybody. Put the motherfuckers on pikes.

  7. I remember my mom and stepfather taking me to a bar when I was maybe 6 or 7 years old. Sometimes they’d set me up with a short glass of beer. The old drunks would buy me snacks or give me quarters, and my stepfather taught me how to play pool. I grew up living with my dad so I only saw mom and stepdad a couple times a year. I never told my dad about the trips to the bar.

  8. At 11 seconds the mother says they are waiting for the bill to leave. Everything the b***h has to say after that is just her being an a-hole. A drunk a-hole. She ain’t pretty enough to cover that ugly. Who would want that in their life an a daily basis?

    Our fave local bar in Lake Geneva also had restaurant seating. Families did come there to eat, but no kids were there at closing time.

  9. My uncle owned an Italian restaurant and bar.
    My mother was a bartender there. She would make them Shirley Temples.
    They did have a few booths to eat at. We would bring the kids in.
    If it had been a dive bar with no food or relatives the kids wouldn’t have been brought in.

  10. Here is a True Story Bar Fight Tale
    Mississippi Style

    There once was a neighborhood
    It no longer exists today
    Probably under New Exit Off Ramps and Bridges

    Only lived there about a year
    Post-Hurricane was lived in a different house

    Neighbor on one side was a Navy man
    Black Hole Sun he jammed when Home

    Neighbor on the other was an Oil Rigger
    Way out in the Ocean Rigs
    Was gone 2 weeks at a time
    When he was Home he worked on his cars
    Had an old red chevy
    Almost ZZ-Top with the Blower and All That
    Anyways, one weekend he give me a ride in it
    We went shooting pool at a local place
    Pulled up and parked right in front of the place
    Big Glass Windows
    Food and Drink and a handful of Pool Tables
    Couple small ones, bar sized
    But mostly Full-sized
    We got a table, by the hour
    And shot the sh#t about what sh#t was going on
    We were having fun
    Minding our own business

    All of a sudden

    The 4 groups of two teams on the other side of the room erupted

    Shouting, Hollering
    Sticks Waving

    W T F!!!

    Me and My only ride looked at each
    Stood up
    And headed straight to the exit
    The Sh#t was a commencing
    Pool balls started to fly
    That old Chevy fired up and we exited quite quickly
    Looking back I saw the front door glass breaking as someone was going through it with a gaggle behind him
    Me and the Chevy Owner drove to a quieter side of town
    We tried to play some more but the mood was off
    Lost touch with him after the hurricane
    Everyone moved to different place
    That is another story
    This is a True Storytm IOTW

  11. A couple of my squadron friends and I were at the EM Club in Pearl Harbor in the early fall of 1973 during a RIMPAC joint fleet operation with the Brits and the Aussies. Any way it turned out to be drunk fest to see which bunch of sailors, American, Brits or Aussies could out drink the others. After a while a massive bar fight broke out and chairs were flying thru the air as well as pitchers of beer and it was descending into mayhem and complete chaos. We got out of there crawling on our hands and knees heading for the exit as fast as we could just as the Shore Patrol rushed in to break it up. Thank God we got the hell out of there before the Shore Patrol arrived and started busting that bar fight up. I don’t know who was the drunkest, but my bet was on the Brits (Limeys) and the Aussies.


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