6 foot water balloon crushing a guy – IOTW Report

6 foot water balloon crushing a guy

They pop it and film in super slo-mo.

Pretty satisfying when you see it in real time.

10 Comments on 6 foot water balloon crushing a guy

  1. Hans, I agree there are a lot of people doing foolish things wasting time. However, the SlowMo guys have been around for some time and have over 9MM subscribers. They probably make more money that you and I combined for a month off of this one video.

  2. Average of 8lbs per gallon of seawater. Forty four pounds per
    square inch of pressure at one hundred feet that stacks as you
    go deeper.
    The submarines get smaller at deeper depths which makes them
    denser and heavier.
    The deeper you go, the colder the water makes the boat
    lighter also. The water temperature normally exceeds the heaviness
    of the depth and you have to bring on water.
    Now come shallower and reverse everything.
    Standing submarine diving officer of the watch was fun.

  3. I am having a hard time understanding how he could breathe with all that weight on his chest. He was talking so he was obviously able to release air from his lungs in a controlled manner.

  4. Dink, it was the pressure over the square inches
    of his chest and the water column that he had to
    overcome to breathe. The rib cage is actually pretty
    strong. I guestimated about a foot.

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