60% of Asylum Seekers Are interviewed BY PHONE!!!!! – IOTW Report

60% of Asylum Seekers Are interviewed BY PHONE!!!!!

I guess I’m a dumb bastid. I always pictured an in-person, one on one vigorous interview that was conducted by a trained professional who had tricks and techniques designed to root out bad actors.

I had no idea it was more like

“Hello, Machlamed Answaheeri Feizell?”


“Why do you want to come to America?”

“Whiskey Sexy Democracy.”

“Are you oppressed?”

“Whiskey Sexy Democracy.”

“Do you feel you are in danger?”

“Sexy Democracy Whiskey.”

“Welcome to America.”

“Allahu Akbar.”



8 Comments on 60% of Asylum Seekers Are interviewed BY PHONE!!!!!

  1. I’m really afraid that the scenario you laid out here is a lot closer to the actual “screening” process than any of us would like to believe.

    Long ago, I gave up thinking that a given “news story” was the absolute bottom of the barrel example of stupidity (or evil as in this case) because within a few days, something even worse always showed up on the radar.

    And this excerpt from the article shows why it’s evil:

    “The Asylum Division suffers from a high staff turnover. Loss of trained staff means recruiting and training others to do the job. It is also understaffed. Officers have a hard time meeting quotas set by the president.”

    It is active, deliberate destruction of America as a sovereign nation by a treasonous president whose only possible intent could be to literally destroy the unique heritage, culture and society of America as a nation. God help us.

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