60 Years Ago Laika Took A Trip Around the World – IOTW Report

60 Years Ago Laika Took A Trip Around the World

It was November 3, 1957 that Nikita Khrushchev demanded a spectacular follow up to Sputnik 1 and he wanted it to coincide with the 40th Anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution.  So, a Soviet scientist strapped a brave young dog, Laika, into a Sputnik 2 capsule and put her into orbit around the earth.

The People’s Cube celebrates this occasion, Here

More Laika facts, Here

15 Comments on 60 Years Ago Laika Took A Trip Around the World

  1. I was born a little too late to know about Laika, first hand. The movie, “My Life as a Dog,” is how I was first Introduced to her story. Sweet girl. With the exception of power, nothing is sacred to communists.
    Highly recommend the movie, by the way. Watch the subtitled version, the dubbed is too distracting.

  2. If you read the Liaka facts you’ll see the Russians let her overheat and her heart beat stopped by the 7th orbit. The capsule burned up on re-entry about a year later.

  3. Sacrificing a life for no good reason its what governments have done for thousands of years. Terrified and alone, what a why to go. Laika went out the way of many victims documented on the ID channel. tricked into a trap.

  4. I love how they say Laika was Brave ! What did he jump right in to get the Bones you tossed in ? I’m sure Laika was stoked when the rocket took off and he Pooped himself !!!

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