600 companies send letter to president asking him to end China tariffs – IOTW Report

600 companies send letter to president asking him to end China tariffs


Walmart, Costco, Target, and hundreds of other companies and trade groups told President Trump on Thursday that tariffs on China will cost jobs and harm American consumers. It’s a battle that “both sides will lose,” CNN reports the letter to the White House says. The administration increased tariffs from 10% to 25% on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods last month.

And Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on another $300 billion in Chinese imports. “We know firsthand that the additional tariffs will have a significant, negative, and long-term impact on American businesses, farmers, families, and the US economy,” says the letter, which was signed by more than 600 companies and trade associations and endorsed by the tech, manufacturing, and agricultural industries.

The president has argued that China will bear the cost of the tariffs, but even officials in his administration have taken issue with that. “Tariffs are taxes paid directly by US companies,” the companies’ letter says. The president said this week that he has no deadline for deciding whether to escalate the trade war. “I think that we’ll end up making a deal with China,” he said, per Reuters.


14 Comments on 600 companies send letter to president asking him to end China tariffs

  1. Although I generally refrain from using expletives, I feel that in this case, they are warranted. Fuck all 600+ of these companies and the democrat donkey’s ass they rode in on. Tariffs are the only leverage that corrupt politicians from decades past have left President Trump. China won’t stop dumping government subsidized goods into America’s markets without them. Ross Perot wasn’t right about a lot of things, but he was right about foreign countries taking advantage of America’s sovereignty and good will to sell cheap crap to us.

  2. I wonder how many of the companies that signed this watched as they invested hundreds of millions of dollars in developing and bringing to market a technological marvel only to see a Chinese company bring almost an exact copy to market a month later at half the price? Think Huawei.

    The Chinese have been hacking, spying, stealing and bribing their way into the western world companies to secure their industrial, technological and manufacturing secrets and the non-existent or limp-wrist replies by the west have only embolden then to ratchet up their efforts. Trump steps in to make a stand and these signatories squeal like scared rabbits.

    Yes, this could create higher prices in the west for a time and could even cost jobs but to continue to do nothing almost guarantees western economic collapse.

  3. Where can I get the list of 600 companies?

    Like bubba’s bro said, these are democrat- run virtue signaling companies. Skrew em.

    At best, they are not political but theyre plagued with greed & gimme my money now shortsighted idiocy.

    The corrupt industrial-feudalist Chinks need us a lot more than we need them. They’ll cave

  4. And 300 psychologists signed a letter about his mental health and 200 generals/military leaders on his foreign policy. That is all they have, letters signed by likely jealous angry losers that CNN and their ilk can fill a days news cycle with.

  5. 600 companies that want to buy cheap junk from overseas, repackage it and sell at a higher price in their cheap labor stores. I doubt if these companies manufacture 100% of their actual products in the USA.

  6. These people know exactly what China and others have been doing for quite some time.
    They are serving their owns selfish interests without any regard for the harm caused to our economy.
    They are mirroring the same exact behavior as Mitch McConnell and his gaggle of puppets in DC.
    When international trade becomes a key component of their balance sheet any concern for loyalty to the country is a casualty.

  7. Does anyone remember when these same companies advertised “Buy American Products to save American Jobs”?

    As long as their profit margin is high from Chinese child labor, they’ll fight to keep Chinese products. Buy American? Not much.


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