$630,000 Buys Marijuana Legalization In Illinois – IOTW Report

$630,000 Buys Marijuana Legalization In Illinois

Chicago Tribune

Marijuana cultivating companies that persuaded Illinois lawmakers to give them first access to recreational customers pushed for the lucrative advantage with the backing of a steady flow of campaign cash, the Tribune has found.

The firms grow medical cannabis now, but are allowed to produce the first batches of recreational marijuana in preparation for the start of legal sales on Jan 1. And those companies, their executives and lobbyists can be linked to more than $630,000 in political giving just since January 2017, according to the Tribune review. More

13 Comments on $630,000 Buys Marijuana Legalization In Illinois

  1. There is now so much excess marijuana being grown in Oregon, that our esteemed politicians are trying to get federal law changed so they can begin exporting it legally (massive amounts are being exported illegally already). Next up, I guarantee it, will be farm subsidies to pay these assholes NOT to grow it. All part of the dems plan to keep the voters stupid and lazy so they can maintain power.

  2. Recreational weed has always been available in Shitlinois. Only now, dumbasses will get their driver’s license scanned to buy it.

    Who controls that database?

    Insurance lobbyists?

    The cops?

    Background meta data keepers?

    Why not just be like alcohol? It clear that dude is over 21.

  3. I don’t smoke the stuff but I smell it every single day since moving to Nevada.
    If your state is considering pot legalization, expect to smell it EVERYWHERE!

    “Daddy, what is that smell?”
    Honey, that is just someone getting stoned in public at 10 AM…

  4. Shit. I thought errybody in Ill-Noise was already fucking retarded. Now they will be retarded WITH pot. Fuck.

    If they do this shit in MO I’m moving to Georgium Sidus. There aren’t any potheads there, or buskers. Yet.


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