$7 for a Dozen Eggs in Biden’s America – IOTW Report

$7 for a Dozen Eggs in Biden’s America

The economy is great. Everyone’s got jobs. You should run out and get two just to pay for groceries.

A couple of months ago you could get an entire box of 60 eggs for roughly $9 around Michigan, but over the course of a few months, we’ve seen those prices move further and further from a reasonable price.

Now it seems Michigan is truly doomed, as a mere dozen eggs are now at the all-time high price of $7.19 at a Meijer in Grand Rapids according to a post made by Meteorologist Brad Sugden.

$7 eggs are the new normal.

$7 a dozen? Why California eggs are so expensive – LA Times

No mention of the insane cage-free mandate in California that’s coming to Colorado.

15 Comments on $7 for a Dozen Eggs in Biden’s America

  1. Pre pandemic I was paying 59 cents a dozen in SE Mich. 97 cents for a gallon of milk. Eggs yesterday $3.87 and milk $2.97. Still better than many parts of the country but you definitely feel difference.

  2. I like the Green Giant boxed corn, mmmm buttery goodness.
    Anyway, it went from 10 oz to 8 oz.
    Box said “New box, same great taste.”
    Not a damn word about the reduced volume…

  3. One of my employees raises chickens. I buy eggs from him. He said he’s going to raise rabbits again, so I’ll be able to buy them from him. Fried rabbit is hard to beat.

  4. We’ve got eggs here in California that’ll cost you $11.00 a dozen. And parked right next to them are eggs for $4.95 a dozen. The expensive eggs sell at the same rate as the cheap ones.
    Me and the wife are big on Romain lettuce. We buy the package with three Hearts. Historically $3.99. That shit jumped to $9.99 over nite.

  5. Before Pedo Joe, the expensive local eggs were $3 doz and the store brand was around $2.
    Milk was under $3 gal.
    Now the store brand eggs are $6 ++ doz and milk is $5 gal.
    Butter is almost $4 lb for the crappy, watery store brand and near $6 for Cabot, which is a local New Eng. company.

    Crushing the middle class!
    The welfare people aren’t bothered.
    The illegals can be seen in the stores with carts literally piled higher than the cart sides.

  6. I work in the grocery industry, have for 45 years. I have never, and I repeat never witnessed prices changing as much and as fast as I am right now. I’m having companies send me price changes, and telling me that there will be another wave hit in late February.
    I thank GOD that I have a good job, because I don’t know how some people are making it right now with prices this high.

  7. I can go out to the hen house and get usually 3 eggs a day.
    Doesn’t take much but I do supplement them with feed.
    Doctor tells me my cholesterol is too high and should quit the eggs. He had a massive stroke and is 42 years younger than me. Really don’t know if it was the ‘shot’ for covid or the cholesterol. I don’t have the shot but eat the eggs.
    I’m in my 90’s and did not get the ‘shot’, good luck to my doctor

  8. even steven; I like rabbit cooked in a pressure cooker with apple cider. I have also been getting eggs at little farm stands that are scattered around here in up state NY. Better prices but creeping upward. I used to raise leg horns, but not sure I want to do again.

  9. I remember pulling KP in the service and cracking a gross or two off eggs in one sitting to feed servicemen breakfast. Must be costing more to feed the troops these high priced days.

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