7 Percent of American Adults Think Brown Cows Make Chocolate Milk – IOTW Report

7 Percent of American Adults Think Brown Cows Make Chocolate Milk

USNews: It might seem like a “Saturday Night Live” bit, but it’s true nonetheless. An online survey from the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy found that seven percent of American adults think brown cows make chocolate milk.

As The Washington Post reports, it’s a nationally representative survey – meaning the results are about equal to 16.4 million people (a population the size of the state of Pennsylvania). Edelman Intelligence conducted the survey for the center, according to Lisa McComb, a spokeswoman for Dairy Management Inc., the center’s parent organization.

For those who don’t know, chocolate milk is made up of milk, cocoa and sugar.

The results do speak to a larger issue in America today: Most people don’t know much about the food ecosystem at all, according to experts. And considering how many Americans drink something with dairy – 43 percent of Americans like to begin the day with such a beverage, according to the center’s survey, not to mention 9 in 10 consume dairy every week – the knowledge gap speaks for itself.

“At the end of the day, it’s an exposure issue,” Cecily Upton, co-founder of the nonprofit FoodCorps, told The Washington Post. “Right now, we’re conditioned to think that if you need food, you go to the store. Nothing in our educational framework teaches kids where food comes from before that point.”  MORE

33 Comments on 7 Percent of American Adults Think Brown Cows Make Chocolate Milk

  1. When I was a kid, my mom didn’t want me drinking chocolate milk at school. So she told me that the lunch ladies took all the leftover milk each day (that the kids opened but didn’t drink or didn’t finish) and put chocolate flavoring in it to cover up the sour taste for the next day.

    I still can’t drink chocolate milk unless I’ve made it.

    Thanks, Mom. At least I didn’t think it came from brown cows.

  2. I am amazed that only 7% of respondents to a stupid question were sarcastic.

    Really, there is no doubt that that would have been my selection to the multiple choice question

    It’s just like those statistics that say 80% of Americans don’t have any savings at all. Like I would admit to savings in some spam phone survey. Sure. Come rob me. Do a home invasion and hold me hostage!

  3. “Right now, we’re conditioned to think that if you need food, you go to the store. Nothing in our educational framework teaches kids where food comes from before that point.”
    What do they do all day in grade school? I remember reading books and watching movies about our agricultural system.

  4. We live in flyover country and know that cow farts are more dangerous than global warming and milk actually comes from a huge silver tank under my neighbors barn. Haha on you.

  5. My 1st wife(40 yrs ago) grew up on a farm yet would not drink the fresh milk her mother brought in every morning. She just had to have store bought. She was picayune about a lot of things though….all she reaslly had going for her was her looks and that’s why she soon became my 1st ex-wife.

  6. Evolution works both ways. When a society pisses in the gene pool by keeping those alive to reproduce who are too stupid to make it on their own the result is “Idiocracy”.

  7. heifer = unbread cow
    steer = denutted bullcalf that’s now adult
    bullcalf = young male with his nuts
    bull = adult male with nuts
    cow = bread heifer now adult with younglings

    Let them explain the difference between white and brown
    chicken eggs, LOL.

    Cow tipping: urban legend along with snipe hunting.

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