The Left – Working For America’s Every Enemy – IOTW Report

The Left – Working For America’s Every Enemy

9 Comments on The Left – Working For America’s Every Enemy

  1. Pray for the death of registered demoRats in NYC at the hands of the savages. I hope they (registered demoRats and leftist scum, homos, feminists, media scum, politicians, etc..,) get run over by a uhaul driven by a muzlime savage and their throats slit while eating in a hipster rat hole restaurant. I hope nobody I know or like is a victim tho…

  2. Why not? Or perhaps we can count how many muzzies actually work in places responsible for Homeland Security that obamuslim hired and they can just facebook the info.

  3. I am surprised the Anti-Terror tactics of the CIA, NSA, FBI and NYPD haven’t been published in the New York Times or some other progressive/socialist, anti-US propaganda pushing fish wrapper.

  4. Sorry BFH, but it’s NYC. They voted for Deblasio, so anyone with a measurable IQ could have foreseen this coming, so they get what they deserve. I’ve been to NYC, and even 20 years ago, I would not have been surprised if the liberal morons that reside there voted for the city to be given back to the natives that used to live there. Elections have consequences, as does voting democrat.

  5. @VC – did you notice in that Daily Mail article, the black SUV “riddled with bullets?” Wonder if this was Scalise’s protection unit? If so, it would give credence to the theory that the NY Times published all the info this moron needed to know to go after Scalise.

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