Volcano on the island of Halmahera erupts – IOTW Report

Volcano on the island of Halmahera erupts


A volcano on the remote island of Halmahera has erupted, spewing a grey ash cloud into the sky and forcing people from seven nearby villages to evacuate, Indonesian authorities have said. Mount Ibu erupted on Saturday evening, sending ash 4km (2.5 miles) into the sky while streaks of purple lightning flashed around its crater, according to information and images shared by the Volcanological Survey of Indonesia.

14 Comments on Volcano on the island of Halmahera erupts

  1. They shouldn’t let those inhabitants escape their island until they prove they’ve remitted sufficient Carbon Tax to cover all that spew.

  2. Oh woes, Climate Change!!!
    MONDAY, 20 MAY 2024, 11:12 AT 11:12 AM
    “They shouldn’t let those inhabitants escape their island until they prove they’ve remitted sufficient Carbon Tax to cover all that spew.”

    …you mean like that time they wouldn’t rescue volcano victims if they weren’t Jabbed?


    …good times, good times…


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