7 Times CNN Botched The News In 2017 – IOTW Report

7 Times CNN Botched The News In 2017

Daily Caller: CNN has had a rough 2017 and it’s not even over yet. The news network has repeatedly made key errors when breaking big stories, only to get embarrassed when the facts come to light.

Here are seven times CNN botched the news in 2017.

Comey Testimony 

CNN ran a story on June 6 that claimed former FBI Director James Comey would use his testimony the next day to refute President Donald Trump’s claim that Comey had assured him three separate times that he was not under FBI investigation. That story was debunked the same day when Comey’s prepared remarks were released to the public, showing that Comey would actually confirm, rather than refute, Trump’s assertion.

The botched story had four bylines, including those of three veteran journalists: anchor Jake Tapper, chief political analyst Gloria Borger and executive editor Eric Lichtblau, who had recently joined CNN from The New York Times. CNN was forced to rewrite the piece with a correction noting the error.

CNN Smears Scaramucci 

Later that month, CNN.com published, deleted, and then retracted and apologized for an article that claimed Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci was the subject of a Senate investigation for his ties to Russian bankers. After an intense public backlash, three key members of CNN’s investigative team resigned over their role in the retracted story. The network pulled its investigative team off the Russia story shortly afterwards.

CNN Spreads Fake News…About Fake News!  

CNN was one of several establishment media outlets to spread fake news about a new study on Russian influence efforts in the United States. CNN cited the study, from the Oxford Internet Institute, to show that fake news targeted swing states during election week. But the study didn’t show that, as The Daily Caller first reported.

The study focused on “junk news,” not “fake news,” and then deliberately included conservative outlets like the Washington Examiner and Breitbart News in their definition of “fake news.” CNN and other outlets included none of those facts, portraying a misleading picture to the public.  Read the rest

14 Comments on 7 Times CNN Botched The News In 2017

  1. Saw article on free republic for Twitter. Things I trust more than CNN. Hilarious. Don’t have clue how to link and post things or I would. Hey, I’m not smart but I can lift heavy things.

  2. We state siders know well that CNN jumps the gun and does not research their stories adequately prior to airing them as facts. CNN is lousy with incompetence in this respect. The problem is that overseas CNN is just about the only American news available. Most foreigners that watch this skewed channel accept anything CNN airs as fact. A good portion of these foreign watchers are anti-American to start with. The misinformation constantly spewed by CNN exacerbates problems and attitudes worldwide. CNN actions are despicable.

  3. If the police were as reckless in their work as CNN, there would be scores of dead black hood-clad youts !

    If your pharmacist were as reckless in his work as CNN, 50:50 chance your next Rx would kill you. But he’d include a fine print insert that clearly states on the 8th page, in fine print, that you shouldn’t take the Rx. Kinda like a NYT retraction.

  4. Why would CNN bother telling the truth? Half of America does not want the truth. They want to hear what CNN tells them. CNN dutifully delivers what their customers want to hear. CNN sponsors do not care about honesty as long as advertising on CNN pays off.

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