7 Year-Old Writes Ridiculous Note To Get Out of School and It Fools Them – IOTW Report

7 Year-Old Writes Ridiculous Note To Get Out of School and It Fools Them

People are shocked that this note could fool the school. I’m not. Have you seen how stupid the adults are out there? The school just figured the little girl’s parent was illiterate.



11 Comments on 7 Year-Old Writes Ridiculous Note To Get Out of School and It Fools Them

  1. Apparently, an advanced degree in education does not confer one scintilla of common sense on a person, which would allow them to discern the difference between a child’s scrawl and a note written by an adult.

    Must’ve had at least a PhD.

  2. And if something would have happened to her, they would have absolved themselves how??? Blame it on her sophisticated intrigues? She’s already operating well above their level of comprehension.

  3. Let’s face it gang, if the current American population were personified into a single character, we’d be looking at Homer Simpsons dumber brother.

  4. She writes better than Obama speaks. If she was black, she would have received a phone call of congratulations from the president. She has a career in politics awaiting her.

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