8 Republican Turncoats Vote For Dem Bill To Reopen Parts of Government – IOTW Report

8 Republican Turncoats Vote For Dem Bill To Reopen Parts of Government


Reps. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) and Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) joined six Republican members who’d voted for earlier Democratic bills. Reps. Will Hurd (R-TX), Greg Walden (R-OR), Fred Upton (R-MI), Elise Stefanik (R-NY) and John Katko (R-NY) and Brian Fitpatrick (R-PA) voted for the bill as well, as they had on earlier Democratic-backed bills.


That Elise Stefanik, pictured on the front page, is a major disappointment. She’s nothing but a democrat residing in the wrong party.

Wash Exam- Stefanik has voted for a farm bill without the original work requirements, for amnesty, against spending cuts, against tax cuts, and for taxpayer-funded sex change procedures in the military.

Stefanik was always on the “keep an eye on this squish” list. Now she’s proven to be a faithful turncoat, voting to reopen portions of the government during Trump’s “Mexican Standoff.”





20 Comments on 8 Republican Turncoats Vote For Dem Bill To Reopen Parts of Government

  1. There are senators also starting to get weak kneed. Cory Gardner/CO, who will not be getting re-elected, is also saying reopen. They don’t get it and spend their days listening to the MSM and their dem cohorts instead of the American people.

  2. Prager has helped me keep my serenity with his saying “there are 2 party; the dangerous party and the stupid party. I belong to the stupid part”.

    It’s hard to care when your own team members pull stunts to hurt the party be helping the democrats which in turn hurt the nation. Maybe I’ll just do a Bernie, start my own party and just tell people I caucus with the Republicans. I’d say “libertarian” but I don’t want to be confused as someone who does drugs nor uses the services of hookers.

  3. If there’s one thing we should all agree on it’s: You can always trust a democrap and you can never trust a republicrap. And yet the same old bullshit just repeats itself over and over and over……….

  4. My shit-stick Congressman Katko (RINO) beat back an Anti-Trump Resistance Democrat by a landslide in November. Part of the reason he had such a huge margin in this very blue area is voters asked themselves “why vote for an Anti-Trump Resistance Democrat when the Republican in office is already part of the anti-Trump Resistance?”

  5. I have been telling people for at least a decade DO Not Give Money To The WSRP. The Washington State Republican Party is absolutely not conservative in any way, they are progressives and as such are not your friends. Give only to individual candidates and do the work to vet them.

  6. Well, the local republicans/conservatives who supported these congress critters have to decide right now whether to put the current seat holder into a nomination fight. It will take at least a year to find and vet a conservative that shares true American values and start to build the warchest. Even in places like Oregon, Washington State, New York and left leaning parts of Texas you could find the candidate that could take down the incumbent and win the general election. But it all depends on the locals.

  7. Voted for the libertarian rather than support Hurd the Turd last election; unfortunately, TX has a lotta stupid people too..
    RINO motherfucker loves Dreamers & other illegals, as well.


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