8 Texas counties list more voters than residents – IOTW Report

8 Texas counties list more voters than residents

Watchdog Texas: No law prevents localities from having more registered voters than voting-age residents, and eight Texas counties do.

Catherine Engelbrecht 1

Now a vote-watch group accuses the counties of violating the National Voting Rights Act by failing to purge dead, duplicate and ineligible voters.  MORE

14 Comments on 8 Texas counties list more voters than residents

  1. GOD BLESS “True The Vote”.

    I take care of a house of some folks who are here 6 months a year (“snowbirds”). They are not Americans but ARE America-lovers. They got mail (I handle their property, comprehensively) from a group called “The Voter Participation Center” asking them to register to vote; the form was even partially filled out!!!

    I notified our local voter registration group (a DEM whore answered and threatened me because I had “ostensibly” opened mail unauthorized) and True The Vote.


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